APR’s Online Scout Shop to open in October
Riding the waves of online shopping, APR “Scout Bazaar”, an interactive platform for online shopping of Scout products in the Asia-Pacific Region will start midnight of 21st October this year.
Excited for another milestone in Asia-Pacific, seven Scout Shop Managers and leaders from Brunei Darussalam, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Singapore met on 2-3 September 2017 in Makati City, Philippines to become the first audience of www.scoutbazaar.com – from ordering to delivery of products. The group commits to provide quality service to its members and to ensure capacity and resources building for the organization.
The APR Finance Sub-Committee chaired by David Jones supported the Manager’s Meet, together with Regional Director JR C. Pangilinan, Regional Scout Committee member/Adviser Chay Hong Leng (via Skype) and staff of Asia-Pacific Support Centre.