News and Stories

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The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), and the County Government of Nyeri officially designated Paxtu, the final residence of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell and Nyeri Town, as a...

4 minutes
Scout In Madagascar

Held every year on 13 March, this special day was established in 1995 by the Organisation of African Unity (now the African Union) to honour Scouting’s transformative role in empowering youth and driving community development across the continent.

3 minutes
Children in Sudan making the Scout symbol

Young people have always been a powerful force for innovation, collaboration, and progress, and your efforts continue to create meaningful impacts within your communities.

4 minutes
Group picture of Scouts from Lebanon, France, Rwanda and Tunisia.
Scouts et Guides de France

The PLANETE project (Acting for Peace, Freedom, Learning, Nature, Equity, Tolerance, and Environment) is empowering over 7,000 Scouts and Guides across five countries and two continents to drive meaningful change in key areas like gender equality...

3 minutes
Earthtribe and Scouts

The Scout Movement has made its mark on the "Mentes en Verde" initiative, a competition organised by the Interamerican Development Bank (BID) in collaboration with Socialab, which aims to recognise innovative programmes that promote green citizenship...

2 minutes
Youth reps at UNGA

The United National General Assembly (UNGA) High-Level Week and Summit for the Future, held in September 2024, addressed a range of pressing global issues, from climate change to global health.

8 minutes
Two Scouts smiling
Steph Fawdry

The Global Youth Mobilization model provides funding and resources to enable meaningful youth engagement, along with mentorship, coaching, and capacity building support.

4 minutes
World Scouting and UNFPA’s new global partnership to empower youth leadership through health, peacebuilding, and education initiatives

New agreement will help power World Scouting’s new Health and Wellbeing initiatives, drive youth-led advocacy on comprehensive health education, and connect UNFPA’s country offices with National Scout Organizations.

3 minutes
Scouts running

World Scouting and Accenture are excited to announce a new partnership that will enhance digital learning and enhance educational opportunities for Scouts globally.

4 minutes
UNICEF Jamboree

World Scouting and UNICEF are proud to announce a historic partnership that will leverage the reach and expertise of two of the world's largest and most recognised organisations dedicated to supporting children and young people across the globe.

5 minutes
A group of Scouts at the 25th World Scout Jamboree pose in front of a phone to take a selfie at one of the celebrations. The Scouts are from the Singapore Scout Association

World Scouting and Temasek Foundation are proud to announce a ground-breaking new partnership aimed at fostering peace and harmony across Southeast Asia through the "Young Peace Builders” programme.

3 minutes
EU Youth Empowerment Fund

The European Union and the Big Six Youth Organisations are proud to announce the launch of the open call for applications to the EU Youth Empowerment Fund through the Global Youth Mobilization.

5 minutes
KISC100 - Kander 100 was a once-in-a-lifetime Jamboree for young people from around the world and was the highlight of the KISC Centenary celebrations; a Jamboree bringing together Scouts and Guides from many countries and regions in the heart of the Swiss Alps.
©Luís Silva - KISC

Pollution reduction, Decarbonisation, Net Zero, Green House Gas emissions reduction, 1.5C pathway, science-based targets, climate, and biodiversity crisis – lots of different ways to say the same thing – that we urgently need to reduce our footprints...

5 minutes
Inês sitting between two women, smiles.

Inês Ferreira Rodrigues has been a Scout in Portugal for as long as she can remember. Over the past three years, she has served as the External Representative for the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, where she focuses...

7 minutes