5 simple fundraising ideas for Scouts to prepare their #GivingTuesday 2020 projects

Wouldn't it be great if the whole world came together just one day to help and give back to others? Thats exactly what #GivingTuesday is all about. It’s a day when everyone comes together to give back in all forms and acts of kindness like gifting your time, voice, talent or donation.

That’s why World Scouting is joining this celebration on 1 December 2020 using the Scout Donation Platform to help Scouts raise money for the causes they value the most. From fighting COVID-19 to contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals, whether it’s a big or small project, it can change the world. 

Here are 5 simple ideas to get you started on your GivingTuesday journey:

1. Pair up with an organisation

Find a local cause in your community that needs support. It may be a small dog shelter, a migrant centre, an organisation that keeps your closest beach or natural reserves clean, and more. Arrange a call to understand their needs, identify the fundraising goal for the project and any missing information. 


2. Select a Sustainable Development Goal

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a great way to find your cause. If you don’t know where to start, explore the Goals and select one or two, identify the actions you can replicate in your community and the resources  you will need, then create your crowdfunding project. 

3. Work on your next recognition badge

Are you working on your Messengers of Peace, Patrimonito, Scouts go Solar, Plastic Tide Turners or any other badge from your National Scout Organization? Maximize the impact of your project! Raise funds for your project to make it happen! 

4. Create a donation drive

Find an existing project on the Scout Donation Platform and advocate for it, this means that for 24 hours you will be an ambassador of the cause by promoting that project to help it raise funds!

5. Find a cause with your pack/troop/unit/team

Who said you have to do this alone? Organise a brainstorming session with your Scout friends (involve your Scout leader when needed) and find something you all feel passionate about. It can be any of the ideas above or a project of your own!

Once you are ready, head to the Scout Donation Platform to get started! Remember to check out the GivingTuesday page. GivingTuesday on 1 December 2020 so select your cause or create your own no later than 23 November! If you need help or more inspiration reach out to donate@scout.org for support.