Youth Engagement

The two-day training on youth engagement for good governance kicked-off today at Efua Sutherland Children’s Park. It is being attended by about thirty Scout leaders and young people from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Tanzania...

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Issue No. 2 of the Africa Scout Day Bulletin, for March 10, 2016 Contents: 1. Africa Scout Day Activities on Ghanaian Media 2. International Youth Camp Opens at Efua Sutherland Children’s Park 3. Africa Scout Committee Concludes its Meeting 4...

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Over the next one week, a lot of focus will be on Ghana as Scouts arrive from all parts of the Africa and the world for the All Africa Scout Day (ASD) celebrations. This follows the nomination of the Ghana Scouts Association to host this year’s...

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Por: Ralf Dillmann, Director de Adultos en el Movimiento Scout en la Región Interamericana By: Ralf Dillmann, Director of Adults in scouting. Interamerican Region Durante los días 11-14 de julio se desarrolló la capacitación para el Grupo Regional de...

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From 11 to 14 June, was held in Panama the meeting of the Network of Adults in Scouting of the Interamerican Region. The meeting was attended by 13 representatives from 12 NSOs, the Coordination Core and staff of the World Scout Bureau -...

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In August 2014, the 40th World Scout Conference was held in Libubliana, Eslovenia. The Strategy for Scouting that was approved includes: • World Scout Mission • Vision 2023 • 6 Stragetic Priorities. The World Scout Mission is the same statement...

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The Interamerican Youth Involvement Policy, adopted in the 24th Interamerican Scout conference in 2013, says: “Youth are valued for their capacity to contribute new and fresh perspectives to the traditional ways of operating. When youth area excluded...

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Youth for Change Workshop was held during May 1-3.

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Moses Engadu, from Uganda, introduces himself as a passionate Scout, a Messenger of Peace and an agent of Change; an ingenious, resilient and futuristic individual who is very proud of his Scouting experience. He joined Scouting in 1991 at the age of...

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“Citizenship is not about having a birth certificate or a passport, that’s just about identity. Citizenship is about engaging and being involved in the development process - of themselves, of the community and of the nation that they come from.” – Dr...

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