Youth Empowerment
On behalf of the outgoing Europe Committee WAGGGS and the European Scout Committee 2013-2016, we are pleased to provide the report of the 15th European Guide and Scout Conference held in Norway in June. – Joint Report of the 15th European Guide and...
The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is pleased to share with you the Report of the 22nd European Scout Conference which took place earlier this year in conjunction with the 15th European Guide and Scout...
Today we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron of Cubs Scouts in many countries. His life example and teachings inspire us to discover our spirituality through nature and by helping others in need. He encourages us to be devoted...
"Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” 4 October is the day when Catholic Christians remember the life and works of Francesco d'Assisi. It was he who Robert Baden-Powell chose as patron for Cub Scouting...
Greetings, we are Caitlin, Seruya, Andriy, Nathaniel and Julius - your Scout Representatives who recently participated in the opening events of the United Nations General Assembly! We learned so much and told people from all kinds of backgrounds...
The Tanzania Scouts Association & UK Hampshire scouts have entered into a partnership in which Hampshire scouts will volunteer to renovate the Tanzania Scout National Training Centre known as Bahati Camp located in Morogoro region. About 115 Scouts...
European International Scout Camps 2017 Most of you will only just have returned from your annual Summer Camp. Many will be in the middle of sorting out hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures capturing the different activities of your camp. Looking...
A sunny sky, amazing alpine surroundings, a local music festival (Beiza Festival) and most importantly very committed Scouts: an ideal setting for another Global Support Assessment (GSAT). And a proof that GSAT works not only for big NSOs in Europe...
Hosted by Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego (ZHP, the Guides and Scouts of Poland), the European Sea Scouting Seminar #Euroasea13 has started at the Polish Sea Scout Centre Harcerski Ośrodek Morski w Pucku in Puck on the Baltic coast. The event (which is...
One of the main conclusions from the previous European Scout Region's RoverNet and VentureNet Meetings was the need and desire of Venture and Rover Commissioners to continue to have exchange opportunities and to continue to meet regularly as a...