
Do you know what Molly Malone, Brendan Behan, Oscar Wilde, Charlie Chaplin and The Gaelic Chieftain have in common? Like hundreds of others they have a statue somewhere in Ireland. And on 22 February 2014 they might join a local Scout Group of...

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(Dublin/Scouting Ireland) – #Dare2DoGood is an initiative by Scouting Ireland to encourage people to record themselves doing something selfless, positive and good for someone else. It is a campaign launched to counter the phenomenon known as...

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(FNEL/Luxembourg) – The Fédération des Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses du Luxembourg (FNEL), one of the two National Scout Associations in the Grand Duchy, was very proud when the election results for the presidency of the Parliamentary Assembly of the...

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(WSBERO/Geneva) - "Developing Scouting. Supporting Growth." is the title of the Regional Scout Plan 2013-2016 (RSP) of the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Initially adopted during the 21st European Scout...

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At about 100 kilometres away from the Africa Regional office of World Scouting, in Nairobi, stands PAXTU, the last residence of the Founder of Scouting, Lord Baden Powell. Towards the sunset of his fulfilled life, the Chief Scout of the World had...

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The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is looking for a new Global Director for Communications and External Relations for its World Scout Bureau. If this position is interesting you do not miss the deadline and send in your application...

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It was my immense pleasure to visit the Lebanese Messengers of Peace project ‘Rebirth of the Phoenix’ to support Syrian Refugees in the country. National leaders in Lebanon joined a visiting World Scouting team to praise Scouts in Lebanon for their...

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(FNEL/Luxembourg) – Yes, even in Luxembourg, during a cold winter nights the temperature can be as low as -15° centigrade. Reason enough for eight members of the Unité Pilote (Venture Scouts aged 15 to 18 years) of the Lions Bleus Bonnevoie Scout...

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BETHLEHEM – In early December each year, a young Austrian girl or boy travels to Bethlehem to light a special Peace Light at the Church of the Nativity. The Peace Light then travels back to Vienna, Austria, to be shared with people from all over the...

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Michael (12), from Kematen an der Krems in Upper Austria, was a very proud teenager when he travelled to Bethlehem last Tuesday. In fact, he had been selected to light this year’s ORF Peace Light at the eternal flame in the Church of the Nativity and...

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