
The Spring is awakening in Europe and many Scout Groups are returning outside for their weekly activities. It is also the start of the new hiking season in many countries in our Region. And in Ireland it is the period when many Scouts review their...

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BRUSSELS - It was pomp and glamour as the Unguvu project, which is a joint flagship project of the Africa and European Scout Regions, was awarded as one of the three distinguished projects that have exhibited great impact among young people at an...

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A new name, a new constitution, a new national leadership, registration of boy AND girls and men AND women with the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM), and work on Junák’s new Strategy 2022: more than 450 delegates representing 50000...

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At the end of this week it will be fifty days that I started my work in the Brussels Office of the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). This is because my National Scout Organisation - Junák – svaz skautů a skautek...

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Over the last weekend in March 2014, some fifty Scout and Guide Leaders from nine different National Scout Organisations of WOSM and Member Organisations of WAGGGS came together in Milan in northern Italy at the Spring meeting of the "Lisbon Group"...

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Since 30 March 2014 and throughout a full year, Luxembourgers and their guests from abroad can trace back the first one hundred years of Scouting in Luxembourg in general and of Fédération Nationale des Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses du Luxembourg FNEL in...

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A Statement of the European Scout Region on Peace and Reconciliation Creating a better world - Scouts around the world are inspired by these words. Our Movement is a global movement with a very clear vision and mission. As active citizens we do not...

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For its second regular meeting in the 2013-2016 triennium the European Scout Committee travelled to Zagreb (Croatia) on the first weekend of March 2014. Apart from discussing regular matters, the Committee used this opportunity to meet with members...

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In many parts of Europe it is carnival season, so in Gloggnitz in Austria, where members of the local Scout Group (member of Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs) decided to dress up like the "Four Daltons" for their town's carnival parade...

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A master of Scouting skills from his youth, William (Bill) Hillcourt (1900-1992) spent a lifetime teaching them to others around the globe, earning him the title “Scoutmaster to the World”. Originally from Denmark, Bill moved to the United States of...

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