Ride the Waves Not the Waste with Scouts of Trinidad & Tobago

Members of the Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago including Scouts ages 11 to 15, as well as younger Cub Scouts aged 7 to 10, along with their leaders, parents and siblings, came together on Saturday 16th September 2023 to join the Institute of Marine Affairs in celebrating International Coastal Clean-up day. The scouts participated at two locations - the Audrey Jeffers Highway at the foreshore in Northwest, and the picturesque East coast in Mayaro Trinidad.
Under the theme of "Ride the Waves Not the Waste" the annual event this year saw Scouts gathered at the designated clean-up sites, armed with garbage bags and gloves, ready to tackle the coastal litter problem. The aim was to make a significant contribution to a safer marine environment and raise awareness about the importance of responsible waste disposal.

Throughout the course of the day, these young environmental stewards worked tirelessly, braving the hot sun and sandy shores, to collect several tonnes of garbage. The trash included plastic bottles, food wrappers, Styrofoam containers, and other waste items that had accumulated along the coastline. The most unique items being a Barbie doll, a suitcase and a side mirror from a car. In total the scouts collected almost a tonne of garbage along our nations coastlines.
The Scouts' efforts aligned with several sustainable development goals, including clean water and sanitation, climate action, responsible consumption, and life on land. By participating in this clean-up exercise, they sought to protect the marine ecosystem, reduce pollution, and ensure the longevity of both the land and water habitats.

International Coastal Clean-up day is an annual global event that aims to bring attention to the current state of coastlines worldwide and promote a more sustainable approach to waste management. The participation of the Scouts in this event demonstrated their commitment to preserving the natural beauty of Trinidad and Tobago's coastline and their dedication to being active participants in environmental conservation.
The Scouts and their families should be applauded for their efforts and their invaluable contribution to safeguarding the marine environment. It is through such collective actions that we can work towards a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations.
Written by Marc Ainsley, Scouts of Trinidad and Tobago