Massive flooding in Sri Lanka: Scouts call for relief support

2 minutes
Torrential rain and strong winds brought on by the monsoons since mid-May have led to widespread flooding in the western and north-western districts of Sri Lanka. As of 11 June 2024, the National Disaster Relief Service Centre reported that over 8,000 people have been displaced, seeking refuge in 122 evacuation centres across the affected regions. Many families are now facing the grim reality of returning to homes submerged in dirt and mud, heightening the risk of water-borne diseases. The situation has sparked urgent calls for relief and support across the nation.
Scouts Sri Lanka in action
In response to this escalating humanitarian crisis, the Sri Lanka Scout Association (SLSA) is mobilising its disaster response teams to distribute essential cleaning supplies to the affected families. Recognising the severity of the situation, the National Scout Organization has launched an emergency appeal, aiming to raise funds through the Scout Donation Platform.
The funds collected will be crucial for providing immediate humanitarian assistance, including the distribution of cleaning and antiseptic supplies to help prevent the outbreak of diseases among the displaced populations. Scouts of Sri Lanka swift action underscores the commitment of the scouting community to support those in need during these challenging times.
Scouts providing help to local community
Want to help Scouts on their efforts? Here’s how you can help:
  • Donate: Every contribution, no matter how small, will directly impact the people and communities affected by the floods. Your donation will go towards providing essential supplies and preventing outbreak of diseases.

  • Spread the word: Share the fundraising campaign with your friends, family, and networks. The more people who know, the greater our collective impact.

  • Advocate: Encourage your local Scout groups to join the cause. Together, we can amplify our efforts and reach even more people in need.

To contribute to emergency response appeals and other Scout-led community projects, visit the Scout Donation Platform today.