For youth by youth

Rovers from different countries have a conversation.
Linnea Wedelin

The 15th WOSM Agora, held at the Göransborg Scout Centre in Sweden from April 3-7, 2024, brought together over 56 Rovers from 22 countries for a unique event driven by the motto "for Rovers, by Rovers."

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Earth Tribe logo in a banner
Rui Pereira

The Agora is an educational tool that uses the Scout Method to reach the educational objectives for the Rover age section and that has a special emphasis on youth empowerment.

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A group of young people wearing their Scout scarves stand in from of a church.

The 14th WOSM Agora, which took place in National Scout Centre of Fátima (Portugal) from April 12-16, saw more than 60 rovers from 21 countries representing 24 National Scout Associations coming together for four intensive days of an event 'for...

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Enci presents in front of other Scouts.
©ASDE Scouts de España

I had my first contact with Scouting at age 10, while participating in my local Scout group's open doors day. Having the opportunity to learn something normally conducted indoors outdoors intrigued me.

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