
II Rovers Forum of NSAM was held in a picturesque place of Moldova – Saharna from 12 to 17 August. Nice weather, interesting activities and lots of rovers participated actively at the event. Rovers, the adult branch in NSAM had the chance to enjoy a...

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Regardless of age, every Scout is actually a Messenger of Peace (MoP). Over the years, Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia and other national scout organizations have been playing this role. Through MoP projects, some completed, others are ongoing, World...

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Rovers and leaders of Indonesia led a small village of Kukusan, Beji district, Depok, West Java to a healthy lifestyle and clean environment as their peace initiative in the Asia-Pacific under the banner of Messengers of Peace. Scouts known as...

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In the second round of the integration camp of Scouts and Guides from India and Pakistan, each had the opportunity to know and learn from each other in many ways. The 2nd special integration camp held from 2nd to 6th May 2012 is one of the Messengers...

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The Association of Scouts of Azerbaijan is celebrating its 15th anniversary and organizing an international camp. ASA are glad to invite representatives from National Scout Organization to the international camp held in Guba, Azerbaijan, between...

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Japanese Rover Masaki Nagashima is the first Scout this year who successfully reached the Baden Powell Scout Peak which is 5,890 meters above sea level. The message was confirmed by team leader Naresh Maharjan directly from the base camp on 2nd March...

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KENYA- 16 Rovers came together to form the Masaku Rover group that is located in Machakos, at the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. With the theme ‘Youth, crime and Drugs’, the rovers in conjunction with volunteers from the Ministry of youth organized a...

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In its effort to provide an attractive and effective youth programme that appeals to the needs and interest of today’s young people, Brunei Scout Association organized National Youth Development Programme workshop from 3-7 December 2011. The 4-day...

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Scouts are agents of peace locally, nationally and internationally, crafting and implementing projects that generate positive impact on their communities. After the introduction of the Messengers of Peace Projects by the World Scout Foundation, three...

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Two Rovers from Adelaide, Australia, are undertaking an adventure of epic proportions. Adam and Stephen are currently part way through their World Trike Expedition, which will see them ride from Adelaide, in South Australia, to Rinkaby, Sweden, in...

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