
On Saturday May 26, according with the bylaws of the Association, it was held the XXVIII Ordinary Assembly of Scouts of Nicaragua, which was conducted in an atmosphere of great proposal and commitment. What happened that day at the XXVIII Scout...

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Between April 27 - 29 and May 18 - 20 were held the subregional meetings of the Adult Network of the Interamerican Region, in Venezuela and Argentina, respectively. By this way, 7 of the 10 NSOs belonging to the Andean and Southern Cone subregions...

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During June 23-25 was held the subregional meeting of the Adults in Scouting Network of the Interamerican Region, in Arima (Trinidad & Tobago). 16 adults of 7 NSOs belonging to the Caribbean subregion attended the event and worked on the World Policy...

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The headquarters of the Scouts of Colombia in Bogotá, served as a meeting point for the Regional Meeting of the Communications Network, on 20, 21 and 22 July. Was attended by 14 countries of the Region: Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras...

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The Interamerican Scout Committee made the decision to form the Interamerican Network Environment, which is added to the networks already established and working in the Interamerican Region. The Interamerican Scout Committee also agreed to hold the...

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One more time the World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region in the City of Knowledge, Panama, became the seat of an important event. On 26th , 27th and 28th of October a workshop to train the Coordinator Team of the Global Network of Messengers of...

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On October 12 was launched the first meeting of the Environment Network in the Interamerican Region. The Scout Association of Mexico was the host National Scout Organization of this important event. The meeting started in the premises of the CONAFOR...

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Twenty-one participants from 14 Scout Associations in the Caribbean attended a weekend Network meeting of Messengers of Peace. Venue for the meeting was Trinidad with representatives from– Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada...

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In the city of Recife, Pernambuco, was held on 26, 27 and 28 of April, the XIX Congresso Escoteiro Nacional (National Assembly), attended by over 300 representatives from all regions of the country. The timing was propitious to review the...

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The Second National Youth Forum of Guatemala organized by the Coordinating Committee of the Youth Network (YN), the event fulfilled all its expectations. Was held on May 11 and 12 at San Jorge Muxbal (Guatemala), with 39 participants young scouts...

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