
Next year will mark 100 years since the start of the Rover Scouts section and the very first Scouting Programme for young adults. Preparations for the celebration of the Rover Centenary worldwide are well under way, but you can still join! Here are...

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Cub Scouts, Boy and Girl Scouts, Rovers and Venturers from all over the world had an awesome JOTA-JOTI last weekend. This year, JOTA celebrates its 60th year of connecting Scouts. It brought together over 12,000 groups from the Africa, Arab, Asia...

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Nuestro secretario Geneal Ahmad Aheldawi, se encuentra visitando el Centro de Apoyo Interamerica desde el día miércoles 20 de septiembre hasta el domingo 24. Su visita se resume en los siguientes puntos: 1- Conocer al equipo del Centro de Apoyo...

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Do you have any questions about the following topics from Diversity and Inclusion? 1- Migration 2- Adults that promote diversity 3- Diversity and Inclusive activities 4- Institutional development with an inclusive scope You have until September 18th...

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Leadership from 167 National Scout Organizations representing over 40 million Scouts will convene on Monday for the World Scouting’s ‘general assembly’, the World Scout Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Conference will take place from 14-18 August...

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En el marco del Taller de implementación de la Guía de Diversidad e Inclusión, el día 24 de junio de 2017 se realizó una experiencia de actividades unificadas con los atletas de Olimpiadas Especiales Panamá. Durante la actividad se conoció la misión...

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Durante 3 días (21 al 23 de julio de 2017) el Centro de Apoyo Interamérica albergó a 19 participantes del continente para el Taller de Gestión de Adultos en el Movimiento Scout, Orientaciones para la implementación. Su tuvo la compañía de asesores...

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The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) National Scout Jamboree 2017 kicked off earlier this week at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve in West Virginia, USA, with an estimated 31,000 Scouts, volunteers and staff. This location will be the...

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U-Report is a free tool for community participation and youth engagement, which designed to address issues that the population cares about. Once a U-Reporter has followed @UReportGlobal on Twitter or joined U-Report Global on Facebook, polls and...

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Highlights For its first regular meeting in the current triennium the European Scout Committee met in the Netherlands, home of the chairperson of the Europe Committee WAGGGS, with which a joint meeting was held at the same occasion. This meeting...

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