
After months of waiting we were finally in the beautiful city of Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, to begin the Interamerican Scout Moot II. It was on December 27 and after celebrating Christmas there we were about to experience this...

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From 3 to 6 January the National Meeting of Scout Groups of Bolivia took place. The beautiful city of Tarija, in the south of the country, received over 500 Cub Scouts, from all scouts districts, to enjoy an event filled with great activities that...

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Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Cancer is not just one disease but many...

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This is our first issue of 2014. We have renewed energy and we have to make this a successful year with pleasant experiences. We hope you join us in this journey. We will share with you the best stories and experiences of our Interamerican Scout...

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In a wonderful natural conservationa area, the 3rd SCENES Seminar started on Sunday 29th of September 2013 in one of the first SCNESE centres ”Campo Escuela Nacional Iztarú” few kilometres away from the Capital city “San Jose” of Costa Rica. The...

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The 34 NSOs that are the first Scout Region in the world, "Interamerica" (1946), are on their way to the beautiful city of Buenos Aires, capital city of Argentina, to celebrate what will be its XXV Regional Conference. The host NSO, Scouts of...

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From 16th to 18th of August, in the city of Comayagua, the Scout Association of Honduras developed a Level 2 Course for Adult Leaders and Trainers. Sixteen participants, coming from all over the country, attended the course to develop their skills in...

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From past June 27 to July 1 was held in Bogotá (Colombia) the physical meeting of the Level 2 Course for Trainers of Trainers being currently run in the Inter American Region. In that way, 40 adults coming from six countries (Colombia, Dominican...

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The World Scout Bureau - Interamerican Region, located in the City of Knowledge, Panama, again became home to the Interamerican Scout Committee meeting. From Friday June 7, very early, began arriving Committee members and special guests to this...

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Charles Ng, our newly appointed Manager, Global Projects, has now fully integrated the Messengers of Peace (MoP) team at the World Scout Bureau Central Office and is supporting Regional Offices throughout project implementations. Also, Charles...

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