
Libyan Scouts draining water
World Scout Bureau

In the wake of Hurricane Daniel's destructive rampage through Libya in recent days, more than 1,500 dedicated Libyan Scouts from the whole country have swiftly responded to the catastrophic event.

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When Hurricane Matthew pummelled Haiti in October 2016, leaving more than 500 people dead and some 175,000 people in emergency shelters, Benjamin Antoine was at home in the country’s capital Port-au-Prince. The region around the town of Jérémie...

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On hearing that the British Royal Navy’s HMS Ocean was stopping in Gibraltar to prepare for its humanitarian aid mission to the Caribbean, the 1st/4th Gibraltar Scout Group wasted no time and immediately initiated a clothes donation campaign. Their...

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Benjamin Antoine is a member of Scouts d’Haïti, he lives in Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti. He started his Scouting experience as a Cub in the 90s, and since then, he always brought his help when natural disasters struck Haiti: hurricanes in 2004...

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The Haitian National Civil Protection Agency (DPC), one of the many stakeholders collaborating with the Scouts of Haiti, has reported that 1.4 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. More than 120,000 families have lost their...

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Today we reached a landmark. Over 700 million hours of service to community have now been recorded through almost 21,500 projects on! This is an outstanding achievement in the 3 years since we started inviting Scouts to share their...

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Experts from 18 National Scout Organizations (NSOs) recently participated in a workshop on disaster mitigation, preparedness and response in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Held from 9 to 11 October 2016, the workshop was organised by the World Organization of...

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On 4 October 2016, Haiti was struck by Hurricane Matthew, which the United Nations confirmed is the country’s worst disaster since its 2010 earthquake. So far, hundreds of lives have been lost and the numbers continue to rise. In the southern part of...

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Everything seemed happiness in 13th Wood Badge Advanced Course to be held in Belize Scout School Camp “Camp Oakley ". The 14 participants came together and soon began the sessions of the course, however the approach of Hurricane Ernesto made ​​the...

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Barely a month after Hurricane Sandy devastated Haiti, Cuba and the United States of America, and following a year full of storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes, forest fires, volcanic eruptions and every other natural disaster we can imagine...

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