
There is something about superhero movies that gets us excited about safety. Like for example, the movie Man of Steel. In the film, pre-Superman Clark Kent is working as a commercial fisherman (a hazardous job if you’re not a man of steel). He risked...

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Did you know that every day, some 6,400 people die from occupational accidents or diseases and 860,000 people are injured on the job? Of those, young workers suffer the highest rate of injury due to a lack of awareness of safety rules and rights...

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Being a Scout or Girl Guide helps to lower the risk of mental illness later in life, according to researchers from Edinburgh and Glasgow universities. From their study of 10,000 people from across the United Kingdom who were born in 1958, they...

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The Haitian National Civil Protection Agency (DPC), one of the many stakeholders collaborating with the Scouts of Haiti, has reported that 1.4 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. More than 120,000 families have lost their...

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The 2nd bulletin of the 7th Africa Scout Jamboree to be held from 1 - 10 August 2016 in Cote d'Ivoire is out. In this issue you will find information relating to: 1. Online registration of Contingent Staff, International Service Team members and...

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On Monday, 04 January 2016 the Association of Catholic Scouts of Côte d'Ivoire was among the four organizations that received a 4x4 vehicle from UNICEF. Other beneficiaries were the Ministry of Health and the Fight Against AIDS (National Health...

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Read about Tatiana Cuadra Bermúdez great Scouts of the World Award Project here: It all started in January of 2010 after a process of research, awareness and a rain of knowledge started flowing ideas, to see the needs that were in my community, then...

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NAIROBI: On Friday 20th March 2015, the Strategic Applications International through their SEMA Youth Initiative working other partners, among them the Kenya Scouts Association, launched the SEMA App. SEMA App is a free mobile phone application whose...

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Since the start of the big wave of the Ebola epidemic in March 2014, the World Health Organisation (WHO) figures showed that there were 22,000 officially recorded cases, with around 8,800 deaths in West Africa. When the Ebola pandemic first broke out...

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“Not all heroes wear a cape, some wear a Scout scarf” Liberia – The Liberia Scout Association, with its increasing effort to help apprise the menace of Ebola virus, will launch a nationwide Ebola Prevention and Eradication Project. About 75 Scouts...

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