
The official World Scout Education Congress Report is now available! The Report includes background about the event, the Congress itself, the outcomes and conclusions as well as the steps forward. The aim of the Congress was simple but ambitious: to...

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In November 2013, the very first World Scout Education Congress (#WSEC) took place in Hong Kong. Over 400 Scouts from more than 100 countries gathered to discuss the future of education in Scouting. The post-event features of the event are now...

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Scouts of China New Taipei City Council, in cooperation with the Education Department, New Taipei City Government will host the New Taipei City Municipal Scout Jamboree on 10-13 July 2014, in Tamsui, New Taipei City, Taiwan. The Jamboree will be held...

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(WSBERO/Geneva) - "Developing Scouting. Supporting Growth." is the title of the Regional Scout Plan 2013-2016 (RSP) of the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Initially adopted during the 21st European Scout...

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King of Sweden, His Majesty, King Carl XVI Gustaf, visited Manila and the provinces of Laguna and Leyte for a series of Scouting activities. An active advocate of youth development, the King was visiting the Philippines as Patron of Scouting and...

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King of Sweden, His Majesty, King Carl XVI Gustaf, visited Manila and the provinces of Laguna and Leyte for a series of Scouting activities. An active advocate of youth development, the King was visiting the Philippines as Patron of Scouting and...

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NIGERIA - The Scout Association of Nigeria during the weekend of 5th – 8th of December 2013 organized the 1st National Executive Committee Retreat and Team Building Workshop after the elections of the Principal Officers of the Organization. In...

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The 67th Baden-Powell World Fellowship Event took place from 26th to 30th November 2013 in Kyoto, Japan. The B-P Fellowship Chapter of Japan planned the entire event under the leadership of World Scout Foundation Board member Mr. Masaya Arao to a...

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It is much more than an ASEAN Scout Jamboree with the participation of National Scout Organizations from 16 countries including the host – Thailand. Over 5,000 Scouts took part in the Jamboree at the Vajiravudh Scout Camp in Chonburi Province.

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