Diversity and Inclusion

September is the month to celebrate peace and each year the International Day of Peace (Peace Day) is observed around the world on 21 September. According to the United Nations, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to...

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We are looking for an ambitious, sharp and dynamic intern who will enhance our current efforts to promote Diversity and Inclusion within the Movement. This person should · be committed to the promotion of equality, inclusion and diversity · have a...

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During the days of June 11th to 14th the regional meeting for the Youth Programme 2015 network took place. In this meeting 21 persons took part as representatives for the 14 national scout organizations (NSO), in addition to the coordination core of...

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In August 2014, the 40th World Scout Conference was held in Libubliana, Eslovenia. The Strategy for Scouting that was approved includes: • World Scout Mission • Vision 2023 • 6 Stragetic Priorities. The World Scout Mission is the same statement...

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Each year, 17 May is commonly know as “IDAHOT” – the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. This is why the European Scout Region’s Diversity and Inclusion Working Group has chosen this day to launch the third image of its...

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Last month, the 2nd Youth Work Convention, five years after the first, brought together some 500 participants active in the youth work field. The aim of the Convention - organised in the framework of the Belgian presidency of the Committee of...

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What is diversity? What is the European Scout Region doing? How? Challenges? What’s next? During the Training of Trainers on Diversity and Inclusion, held in Brussels at the end of March, the volunteers of the European Scout Region have produced a...

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(WSBERO/Geneva) - "Developing Scouting. Supporting Growth." is the title of the Regional Scout Plan 2013-2016 (RSP) of the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Initially adopted during the 21st European Scout...

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