The Eric Frank Trust is dedicated to support the educational objectives of WOSM and will consider applications for financial support to the World Scout Education Congress 2017 from NSOs under two headings: - A contribution towards attendance costs...
In addition to the preferred and quickest method of bank transfers, Kandersteg is able to help with an additional payment method Paypal You can use your credit card to pay via PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to do this. If you would like to...
Getting yourself prepared for a new adventure is not the easiest thing, so you may want to take a look at this.
Where you wondering will the food be like at the Congress? Let us tell you more: Full catering is included from Thursday dinner until Monday breakfast. This means breakfast, lunch, dinner and two coffee breaks every day. Meals are served ‘canteen...
Why not make the most of your journey and stay a little longer at KISC? Explore the alps, get to know the pinkies, visit the UNESCO heritage site Oeschinensee, join in on our workshops or simply rest and enjoy the permanent mini-jamboree. If you are...
You can't miss these activities at the World Scout Education Congress! KISC is “The permanent mini-jamboree”. To give you the full mini-jamboree feeling, we have prepared some evening activities for you where you will have the chance to mingle and...
We all have to get to the Congress somehow, so check this out! By plane The largest airports close to Kandersteg are in Geneva and Zürich. They connect Switzerland with airports around the world and are the simplest way of entering the country. Basel...
Additional places are now available for booking for the 2nd World Scout Education Congress, which is being held from the 11-15 May 2017 at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre, Switzerland. The congress will be a great opportunity to learn new...
The 2nd World Scout Education Congress will take place from 11 - 15 May 2017 at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC). Participants can expect for the congress to assist NSOs in building capacity in the areas of Youth Programme and Adults...
Highlights For its first regular meeting in the current triennium the European Scout Committee met in the Netherlands, home of the chairperson of the Europe Committee WAGGGS, with which a joint meeting was held at the same occasion. This meeting...