Climate action

Scouts Lucas, Kek and Laura stand in front of a COP28 sign reading Unite, Act, Deliver
World Scout Bureau

Following COP28, Scouts call for urgent climate action and stronger accountability from governments and businesses. We are concerned by the lack of binding commitment and the overbearing influence of fossil fuel lobbyists, and we urge decision-makers...

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Kek, Lucas and Laura pose in front of a rainbow coloured wall with text saying "Why are Scouts at COP28?"
World Scout Bureau

During COP28, three passionate Youth Representatives - Hian Leng Kek (Singapore), Laura Rodríguez Salgado (Spain) and Lucas Andriantsimba (Madagascar) - showcased the Scout Movement’s unwavering commitment to environmental advocacy and education in a...

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The white patch on the mountains behind me is what remains of the Kanderfirn glacier, which has been receding for decades due to excessive heat.
World Scout Bureau

Ahead of World Scouting’s participation in COP28, the UN’s annual climate change conference, hear from Hian Leng Kek, one of three WOSM Youth Representatives heading to this year’s conference in Dubai to advocate ob behalf of youth among decision...

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Scouts on stage after a successful events about Scouts for SDGs at the SDG Hub at COP27 in Egypt
World Scout Bureau

Scouts joined thousands of civil society organisations at COP27 to call on world leaders, climate negotiators, and business leaders to take urgent action on climate change.

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A delegation of Scouts from across the globe attended the COP26 to take a stand on the global climate crisis and advocate for urgent action by world leaders to respond to imminent threats posed by climate change. Young people from Mexico, Finland...

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By Bear Grylls OBE, Chief Ambassador of World Scouting When it comes to climate change, one thing’s incredibly clear. We’re running out of time. Change is accelerating. Twenty of the hottest years on record happened in the last 22 years. The...

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Millions of Scouts will make a Promise to the Planet over the coming months as part of a global campaign to inspire young people to take action for the environment. #PromiseToThePlanet will encourage young people to carry out hundreds of thousands of...

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Croatian Scouts are more ready than ever to save their forests and help wildlife regenerate. In the past two years, more than 6.200 Scouts and volunteers planted over 65.000 trees across the country with the help of Croatian Forests in Dalmatia...

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In celebration of the 6th anniversary of Brunei Scout Tree planting on 1 June 2020, Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam (PPNBD) had a tree planting activity at the Belait District, replacing dead trees with Agathis Borneensis, a conifer...

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Since 2019, a group of Mongolian Scouts has initiated a project called Zero Waste through Scouting in a campaign that encourages everyone, especially young people, to buy and consume only what they need and to reduce and manage their waste. This...

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