
There is something about superhero movies that gets us excited about safety. Like for example, the movie Man of Steel. In the film, pre-Superman Clark Kent is working as a commercial fisherman (a hazardous job if you’re not a man of steel). He risked...

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Riding the waves of online shopping, APR “Scout Bazaar”, an interactive platform for online shopping of Scout products in the Asia-Pacific Region will start midnight of 21st October this year. Excited for another milestone in Asia-Pacific, seven...

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The Scout Association of Macau (TSAM) was established in December 1983 with 200 members. The principles and methods of the Association are based on the legacy of Lord Baden-Powell, to inspire and guide the physical, mental and spiritual development...

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Leadership from 167 National Scout Organizations representing over 40 million Scouts will convene on Monday for the World Scouting’s ‘general assembly’, the World Scout Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Conference will take place from 14-18 August...

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Before a crowd of more than 5,000 Scouts from 30 countries attending the 31st APR Scout Jamboree, WOSM Secretary General Ahmad Alhendawi, addressed the organisers and participants through a video message saying “the Jamboree is a time to fully...

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The 31st Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree is set to begin on 28 July 2017, with the official ceremony scheduled for 8.00pm at the Nairamdal International Children’s Centre, Mongolia. With an anticipated of over 5,000 participants from more than...

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“Scouting is a movement, because it moves forward. As soon as it stops moving, it becomes an organisation, and is no longer Scouting” – Baden Powell Suncheon, South Korea – In cooperation with Korea Scout Association (KSA), the Asia-Pacific Support...

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“It is in your hand to create a better world for all who live in it” – Nelson Mandela BANGLADESH - "Scouting can play a very significant role in grooming the new generation as a modern progressive and creative nation coping with worldwide competition...

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“Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding” – Albert Einstein NEPAL – In cooperation with Asia-Pacific Support Centre, Nepal Scouts is taking a step forward in implementing the Messengers of Peace (MoP) Initiative at the...

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This week’s feature story by Bryan DG “You should take pride on who you are today, your courage and resilience have made you a better person. You are one of the best examples of Scouts because despite of difficult life circumstances, you chose to be...

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