
East Timor President José Ramos-Horta was invested as the Patron of Uniao Nacional dos Escuteiros de Timor-Leste (UNE-TL) on 12th January 2012 at the President Palacio in Nicolau Lobato, Timor Leste. Ramos-Horta is the second President of East Timor...

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In one rare opportunity, Oliver Lim, a Young Adult Member Group of APR, visited Manila and spent time with Scouts under the Ticket to Life troop discover about the unique things in their way of life. Oliver visited some of the homes of these Scouts...

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Manila, 11 January 2012 –- The global team of Messengers of Peace (MoP) is meeting with the executives and MoP regional team in Manila to strengthen coordination between the central and regional office work in implementing the MoP projects. The team...

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The once dilapidated Scout headquarters of Matale District is again operational after the ribbon-cutting ceremony on 20th November 2011. Matale is a town in the hill country of Sri Lanka which was the birthplace of Sri Lankan Scouting. Among the...

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There is no question that Scouting in Hong Kong has both a long history and a history of success, rooted from a humble tradition. While Scouting revived from the Second World War, it encountered many difficulties including the problem of finding...

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Maldives Scout Association held its first historic AGM, attended by duly nominated representatives from 40 Scout Groups, on the 28th of December 2011. Representatives elected key position holders including the President of the Association, Vice...

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inBox is the eNewsletter of the Asia-Pacific Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. It is published monthly by the Asia-Pacific Regional Office of the World Scout Bureau and has four main parts, namely: What's new; What's going on...

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Singapore Scouting welcomed President Tony Tan Keng Yam as its new Chief Scout in a special gathering on 25th February 2012 at the east coast of Singapore. The ceremony called “Adiji (Welcome) Chief Scout” was attended by 5,000 Scouts across...

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Japanese Rover Masaki Nagashima is the first Scout this year who successfully reached the Baden Powell Scout Peak which is 5,890 meters above sea level. The message was confirmed by team leader Naresh Maharjan directly from the base camp on 2nd March...

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The first national workshop on Building Financial Management organized by Bangladesh Scouts gathered 48 participants from different districts across the country from 3rd to 5th February 2012. The main goal of the workshop was to equip leaders with...

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