Twenty four participants including male and female cub scout leaders, Scout leaders and Rovers attended a workshop focused on young people with special needs in Scouting from 25-29 June 2016, at the national campsite in Bat-Sumer, about 3 hours west...
To celebrate the 105th anniversary of Hong Kong Scouting, and to promote environmental protection through Scouting, Scout members aged between 12 and 25, and adult leaders aged 18 or above are invited to attend the Hong Kong Scout 105th Anniversary...
Risk management is essential to safe Scouting where members are provided with training, resources and practical guidance on how best to prepare, respond to and recover from disaster.
Thirty Junior Scouts across Brunei Darussalam, including Scouts with special needs, participated in the 7th National Patrol Leaders Course at the National Scout Training and Activity Centre in Gadong from 27-29 May 2016. The training was jointly...
The Asia-Pacific Region in collaboration with the General Association of the Scouts of China is organizing the APR Workshop on revisiting The Scout Method. This is to contribute to achieve the targets under “Innovating Scouting” of the WOSM’s global...
To celebrate 100 years of Cubs, Scouts New Zealand provided a challenge for Cubs throughout the country to hold campfires. The Mahurangi Zone (Auckland) Cub Leaders decided to hold a Zone Campfire and the Cubs were to make and wear a Campfire scarf...
The Asia-Pacific Support Centre is taking a new approach to strategic planning and monitoring with the introduction and utilization of StrategyConnect, a web-based application designed to help organizations develop, implement and monitor their...
The Asia-Pacific Support Centre, in collaboration with the Scout Association of Macau, is organizing the APR Workshop on Adults in Scouting Performance Efficiency from 3-6 September in Macau. This workshop aims to provide avenue for key leaders to...
Scout leaders from 13 countries underwent training on Global Support Assessment Tool (GSAT) to support National Scout Organizations in raising NGO best practices and WOSM policies and standards. The training was held from 21-23 May 2016 in Brunei...
The Scouts Association of Malaysia, Terengganu State, invites Scouts and Leaders to catch the fun and the experience of being part of the 5th ASEAN Jamboree.