
As a consequence of its success, the Arab Scout Region would like to extend the cordial invitation of The 16th International Scout Gathering for Cultural Exchange which will be organized for 2013 by Oman Scouts & Guides in cooperation with the Arab...

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Under the patronage of his Excellency and his honored attendance of the event Mr. Moncef Al- Marzuki, Tunisia President; the 19th Arab Scout Moot was inaugurated in the international training and camping centre, Borj Cedria- Tunisia. The event which...

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The experience of the gathering for this year is considered a successful one. We heard a lot about the Omani hospitality and uniqueness, but it was a real for us during the different activities of the event, we surprised and impressed with the warm...

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Libyan Scouts played a very efficient role at national level during the recent revolution events that has affected the country. During the revolution, Scouts were active in offering first-aid and care for the wounded and provided many community...

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27 November 2012, Dhaka -- National Scout Organizations in the Asia-Pacific Region voted for the five new members of the Regional Scout Committee for 2012-2018. Newly-elected members are Mr. Janaprith Fernando (Sri Lanka), Mr. Paul Parkinson...

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Six Regional Office Coordinators met in Geneva along with their Messengers of Peace (MoP) colleagues at the World Scout Bureau Central Office from 9 to 11 October to gather updates from the first year of implementing various MoP initiatives and to...

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Twenty two members of staff from the World Scout Bureau - Central Office and the 6 Regions -joined by João Armando and Mari Nakano, members of the World Scout Committee supporting Educational Methods, met in Thailand from 12 to 16 September to...

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The Messengers of Peace global initiative, which started in 2011, has nominated Hero Awards to five people in 2012. The Heroes of Messengers of Peace Awards were presented on Sunday 23rd September 2012 during the National Scout Celebrations of the...

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Eurosea 11, the European Sea Scout seminar held 19-23 September 2012 when 41 leaders from 19 countries representing 21 national scout associations and 4 of the worlds regions gathered in Copenhagen for 5 days of networking. The theme was “How can I...

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Communication technology has played a pivotal role in bridging distances and gathering momentum with a view to disseminate knowledge and bring a focus on key subjects and issues such as environmental problems, health awareness and child rights. In...

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