
By the time he was 16, Sam Chatterley had been in Scouting for a decade and, by his own admission, was losing interest in his group’s weekly meetings. Then, in 2015 he went to the World Scout Jamboree. “I had never done international Scouting,” the...

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After marathon talks at the EU summit last week in Brussels, which heavily focused on migration, a collective agreement on reforming the EU asylum policy is still missing. In fact, the European Union is still struggling to strike a balance between...

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For four years Majd Elewi was a member of the Scouts in his hometown of Homs. Their Scout hut was like a second home; a place to hang out at the weekend, the walls decorated with the group’s collection of scarves and photos of their adventures. But...

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The Association des Scouts Catholiques de Côte d'Ivoire in partnership with the Scouts et Guides de France and the World Organization of the Scout Movement, in particular the Africa Support Centre, is organizing an event called Fraternal Dialogue:...

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A new study in three countries around the world confirms Scouts are more active, resilient and engaged citizens, who value curiosity and acceptance. The study surveyed teenagers in Kenya, Singapore and the United Kingdom and found statistically...

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The 3rd Africa Scout Communications Forum was held from 7th to 10th March 2018 at the ZESA National Training Centre ( located on Ganges Road in Belvedere, Harare - Zimbabwe. Convened under the theme "Communicating Our Impact...

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It is a cold chilly night in Mashonaland where the rich culture of Africa comes to life when Scouts from over 20 African countries gather around a campfire during the Africa Scout Day International Camp on 10th March 2018 at Ruwa Scout Park. Over 600...

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Vienna - Ahmad Alhendawi, Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), invited religious leaders to join Scouting's peace building efforts at a forum organised this week by the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International...

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Our Founder's birthday is an occasion for Scouts everywhere to celebrate. Today, 22 February, we recall our Scouting adventures, meet our Scouting friends, proudly wear our scarves and celebrate the great diversity of our worldwide Movement. Today is...

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Next year will mark 100 years since the start of the Rover Scouts section and the very first Scouting Programme for young adults. Preparations for the celebration of the Rover Centenary worldwide are well under way, but you can still join! Here are...

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