
29 September 2018, Nairobi-Kenya: 21 Scout Leaders from 20 National Scout Organizations (NSOs) in the Africa Region met in Nairobi, Kenya from 26th to 29th September 2018 to discuss new approaches to developing the Scout Youth Programme for young...

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The Executive Secretary, Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax delivered a keynote address to the 17th Africa Scout Conference on “the place of youth organizations in achieving sustainable development.” Speaking in...

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At the 17th Africa Scout Conference, the Africa Scout Committee on the recommendation of the Awards and Honours Sub-Committee has recognized 8 adults and 12 young people who have provided outstanding service to scouting in the region and demonstrated...

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Following presentation of their respective bids to host different upcoming regional events; the Association des Scouts du Niger has been nominated by the Conference to host the 2019 Africa Scout Day. To host the 18th Africa Scout Conference and 9th...

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The 17th Africa Scout Conference has today elected four new members to the Africa Scout Committee for period 2018-2021. From a total of 12 candidates nominated by different National Scout Organizations, who earlier on had an opportunity to share...

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The Africa Scout Foundation has officially launched its Junior Membership at the 17th Africa Scout Conference, with a pioneer team of 18 young donors. The young people drawn from across Africa and beyond have also been appointed young ambassadors of...

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After the official opening of the 17th Africa Scout Conference by H.E. President Mnagangwa represented by Minister, Hon. Kadzembe Kadzembe different activities of the conference picked up as member organizations continuously received updates on the...

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The African Region of the United Religions Initiative (URI) - a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities...

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7th September 2018, Harare - Zimbabwe: Over 200 Leaders of Scouting drawn from more than 40 countries in Africa and beyond have gathered at the Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe for the 17th Africa Scout Conference that opened today. The event...

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After most of them being taken through the Dialogue for Peace training, International Leadership training & Young Correspondents and Spokespersons Training, participants at the 8th Africa Scout Youth Forum were quite ready to begin the fruitful...

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