
ANTANANARIVO - According to the latest report from the BNGRC (National Office for Risk Disaster and Risk Management), the cyclone Chedza in Madagascar from 16 to 18 January 2015 left 51 people dead and nearly 130,857 victims in the big Island nation...

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ADDIS ABABA - February 11, 2015 will be the day for the official launching of a two-year long project in partnership with SIDA: Initiative Africa. The launch of the project titled ‘SCOUTS: Building a Lifetime of Skills and Confidence’ will be hosted...

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NAIROBI - The Africa Regional Office of the World Scout Bureau, in collaboration with members of the Network of International Youth Organizations in Africa (NIYOA), jointly hosted the 6th African University on Youth and Development in Nairobi, Kenya...

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True to the Scout’s Promise “helping other people at all times’’, the World Scout Bureau generously raised funds to purchase essential items to help flood victims in Malaysia get back on their feet. The funds were collected from members of its...

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“Not all heroes wear a cape, some wear a Scout scarf” Liberia – The Liberia Scout Association, with its increasing effort to help apprise the menace of Ebola virus, will launch a nationwide Ebola Prevention and Eradication Project. About 75 Scouts...

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From Scouts to NGO volunteers, everyone is working hard to allay fear by increasing public awareness through community engagement. The World Health Organization says that in West Africa, the Ebola virus is spreading faster than the efforts deployed...

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“Citizenship is not about having a birth certificate or a passport, that’s just about identity. Citizenship is about engaging and being involved in the development process - of themselves, of the community and of the nation that they come from.” – Dr...

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"We need to educate young people to be resourceful, open-minded, and community-oriented. We must do everything to provide them with job opportunities which are the basis of stability, security, and development." - Lech Walesa, Former President of...

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NIGERIA - As part of building our Scouting Capacity within the Nigeria National Scout Organization, no fewer than 80 young Sea Scouts and their Leaders attended a Capacity building Workshop organized by the National Unit of the Nigeria Scout...

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Inside WOSM and UNICEF Collaborate to Establish Global Communications Network through the U-report Scouts Embark on Ebola Awareness Campaign Walk for Peace Scouts and Red Cross Volunteers say no to Ebola Africa Scout Foundation Member Chief Addy...

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