No Poverty

The environmental problems facing mankind has today moved to centre stage. The awareness of the importance of keeping the environment clean and healthy, of not threatening the survival of habitats and species in order to satisfy the needs and "wants"...

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A message from the Africa Scout Regional Director to all National Scout Organizations in the Africa Region on the occassion of marking the 2015 Africa Scout Day Download the Speech (in English and French) below:

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On February 28, 2015 a ceremony to install the new National Committee of the Associação de Escuteiros de Angola, elected on January 31, 2015 took place. The new committee comprises of the following: 1. National Commissioner - ANTÓNIO SILVESTRE ALVES...

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The Alan Sol Foundation has donated 250 000 Rand to SCOUTS South Africa for their continued efforts in contributing to the enhancement and preservation of the environment with its objective being either that of fauna, flora and human beings. “We are...

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Twelve Scout leaders from Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Philippines and Scouts of China, participated in the first ever APR Scout Shop Management: Leaders Meet on 5-8 March 2015 at Yangmingshan Scout Camp, Taipei, Taiwan. Several...

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We were glad to have Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, delivered a valuable seminar on nature conservation to members of the Scout Association of Hong Kong during her visit to Hong Kong in November 2014. Dr. Goodall shared with us her road to the success in the...

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Mr. Nelson Ochieng Opany is our new Communications and Public Relations Officer. He replaces Mr. Amos Ndegwa who left us last month Nelson joins us from Environmental Research Mapping and Information Systems in Africa where he worked since 2011 in...

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The Scoutmaster’ Council of HASK held a meeting with the scout leaders of the organization on February 15. Chapter representatives summarized the results of 2014 and spoke about the obstacles overcome and the upcoming events. The Scoutmasters’...

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It was in the year 1987 that I began my work as an adult volunteer serving the Scout Movement. Then began a long journey as a scout leader, a road full of challenges, a lot of learning, acquiring a very strong commitment to contribute to the...

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“The school deteriorated because of the intrusion of terrorists and outlaws who destroyed the garden in the school yard and demolished the wall surrounding the school. This allowed undisciplined students to leave the school without permission and go...

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