No Poverty

Scouts across the world are working hard to keep the environment clean and being good citizens of their communities. A Scout troop called “Tadamoun” (which means solidarity) in the Nedroma region of Tlemcen, Algeria is among the 40 million Scouts who...

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The 25th Asia-Pacific Region Scout Conference happening at the Kimdaejung Convention Center from 3-8 November 2015 in Gwanju City shows Korea’s rich experience in hosting world and regional Scouting events.

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Right before the National Conference of the National Scout Association of Moldova (NSA Moldova), on the 29-30 October, took place at Vadul lui Voda, Moldova- the national seminar “The Essential Characteristics of Scouting”. Viorica Harea, responsible...

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This “sort, reduce, recycle” project aimed to reduce pollution by emphasising on the importance of sorting out and recycling waste, and how the community can play an important role in sustainable development. It also promoted partnerships between the...

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The 9th UNESCO Youth Forum, themed “Young Global Citizens for a Sustainable Planet”, convened in Paris on 26 October. The three-day forum gathered more than 500 young men and women from around the world. The World Organization of the Scout Movement...

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The Asia-Pacific Regional Course for Leader Trainers 2015 officially kicked off at Suncheon Asia-Pacific Scout Centre in Suncheon, Korea. There are 13 NSOs with 33 participants (including 9 female members) and 13 training team members from Australia...

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The Hsinchu City Ke-Yuan Community Scout troop from Taiwan recently organised a one-day cleanup at a local beach. By the end of the activity, they collected a total of 75 kg of trash. Find out more at Like the Hsinchu City...

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Early October 2015, Josephie Zana represented some 1,6 million Scouts of the 40 National Scout Orgnisations in the European Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) at the “International Conference for a Green and Inclusive...

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Missed the 23rd World Scout Jamboree? Mark your calendars now, as the 57th Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and the 18th Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) will be back this 16 to 18 October. Scouts from all over the world are invited to communicate and share...

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Did you know that more than 1.3 million Scouts and Guides from 157 countries signed up for last year’s JOTA-JOTI? For three days, they communicated with each other via amateur radio or internet, bridging cultural borders and creating new bonds. Can...

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