
Scouts of Panama talking about Safe from Harm

Scouts of Panama gathered at the National Youth Forum under the slogan "Youth that involves and gets involved". This event promotes dialogue, active participation and civic engagement among the country's youth.

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Scouts of different religions united
Scouts of different religions united

Venezuela leads the implementation of the Interreligious Dialogue Challenge! Aimed at young people aged 15 to 20, the Interreligious Dialogue Challenge promotes understanding and friendship among diverse religions, contributing to peace, unity and...

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Scouts at the ocean

Join Scouts and National Scout Organizations to protect our oceans! Learn how you can participate in the Ocean Decade activities and celebrate Ocean Day on June 8. Together, let's make a difference for a sustainable future.

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Scouts Colombia all together after a day of beach cleaning
World Scout Bureau

The "One Beach at a Time" project from Scouts of Colombia, turned a beach cleanup into a transformative mission. Joining EarthTribe's challenges, they collected 11.5 kg of PET caps, 24 sheets of 50 kg trash, and creatively reused materials. This...

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Mexican Scouts organising supplies and collaborating with Mexican Red Cross
World Scout Bureau

Support Scouts de Mexico after hurricane Otis by channeling resources to Scouts' on-the-ground relief efforts and fostering resilience, solidarity, and hope in the face of overwhelming devastation.

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A group of happy Scouts from Chile helping in their community.
World Scout Bureau

IMPAKTA is an innovative project designed to empower young people and inspire them to address the local challenges they face in their communities.

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Scouts giving sustainable education training

A group of Scouts in Bolivia to undertake an ambitious reforestation and conservation project in their beloved Campo Escuela Arani - the National Campsite of Scouts of Bolivia. Over the years, this campsite has witnessed numerous national and...

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Muteco, Brazil Scouts

Through the Plastic Turner Challenge, the Sanumá patrol achieved its mission of raising awareness about recycling and its importance among the 21 GEMAN Scout community. They not only earned their recycling badges but also left an indelible mark on...

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Scouts picking up garbage

Members of the Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago including Scouts ages 11 to 15, as well as younger Cub Scouts aged 7 to 10, along with their leaders, parents and siblings, came together on Saturday 16th September 2023 to join the Institute of...

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Scout collecting waste in river

In Rio de Janeiro, a crowd of enthusiastic volunteers, including more than two hundred Scouts, joined in an inspiring day of cleaning up the beaches, followed by an emotional symbolic hug known as "Aquele Abraço" ("That Hug"). ) on the beach of São...

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