
As heavy rains continued with rising sea level and causing water to be released into the rivers, Rover Scouts supported local authorities in helping flood victims live at temporary settlements in Kuching, Sarawak. Severe flooding went on for two...

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Making people happy does not have to be expensive. Most of the time, it only takes a sincere heart and a helping hand to see it happen. Children of indigenous communities living in far-flung areas and coastlines received a decent pair of slippers as...

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In May 2020, Myanmar Scouts organized the Project Oasis intended for people who are living in slum areas in Yangon. At the same time, thie project supported Rover Scouts who volunteered at government quarantine centres. A total of 150 households...

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The first 2020 Messengers of Peace Taiwan-Local Coordinators Training was held on 29 August 2020 by The General Association of the Scouts of China in cooperation with the Hualien Scout Council. Leading the event was MoP NSO Coordinator Sherman Sheng...

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The 2020 Democratic General Election of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar was held on 8 November nationwide and citizens of the country voted freely in favor of their candidates. Always ready to help, Scouts and Rovers across the nation actively...

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Scouts are not afraid of difficulty, instead they turn them into opportunity to benefit others. That’s what Rovers and leaders of The Bharat Scouts and Guides demonstrated, as they provided a temporary place for people who were stranded when the...

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Pakistan Boy Scouts Association (PBSA) organized its 27 th National Hike for Rover Scouts and Scout Leaders from all over Pakistan last 8-14 August 2020. Around 105 Rover Scouts hiked in the northern part of Pakistan with luscious greeneries and...

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When COVID-19 hit Nepal, the government imposed a lock down. One community in Damak City at Jhapa district has been severely affected where hunger is a daily struggle. This community has 15-20 families where most men work as construction workers in a...

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In celebration of the 6th anniversary of Brunei Scout Tree planting on 1 June 2020, Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam (PPNBD) had a tree planting activity at the Belait District, replacing dead trees with Agathis Borneensis, a conifer...

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Members of Madhya Howrah Bayam Samity Scout and Guide Group created a quick response team consisting of Rovers and Adult Leaders to assist affected communities hit by the AMPHAN cyclone last 20 May 2020. A total of 26 Scouts volunteered in providing...

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