
Plastic tide turners in Madagascar
World Scouting/Madagascar

Since 2022, the Plastic Tide Turners project in Madagascar has encouraged over 4,500 young people to become aware of plastic pollution, inspiring them to develop leadership and advocacy skills and engage in innovative activities that help to protect...

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Post-admission support visit to Congo Brazzavile
World Scout Bureau Inc./ Nelson Opany

The post-admission capacity building and support visit to Scoutisme Congolais focused on assessing the status of Scouting in the country and exploring how to better support the growth and development of the movement while ensuring compliance with...

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YUNGA Nutrition Badge in Madagascar

The project had a profound effect, reaching over 422,500 children, adolescents, and vulnerable women in the targeted districts. It fostered an increased awareness about healthy eating habits and the nutritional value of local foods, setting a...

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Scouts Against Malaria - Malawi
World Scouting/Malawi

Scouts in Malawi, Ghana, and Uganda, with the support of UK Scouts, have been purchasing and distributing insecticide treated bed nets to vulnerable people in their countries, and engaging communities in malaria prevention awareness through the...

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Opération Ramadan Charity
World Scouting/Mali

For the last nine years, as the Muslim holy month approaches, the Scouts and Guides of Mali meet to organize the food distribution through their Opération Ramadan Charity (ORACHA) initiative with the help of over 200 Scouts and Guides are deployed...

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Plastic Tide Turners Challenge Project in Rwanda
World Scout Bureau Inc./ Nelson Opany

In the districts of Gasabo, Kicukiro, Musanze and Rusizi in Rwanda, Scouts are learning about the harmful effect of plastics on the environment and taking action to reduce plastic pollution in their communities - from community awareness campaigns to...

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Africa Scout Day celebrations, Burundi 2024

Over 500 Scouts from 15 countries around Africa and the world gathered in Bujumbura, Burundi for the 14th Africa Scout Day celebrations with calls for Scouts to embrace the future with openness and optimism; engage more young people for growth and...

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Kamba do peito participants
World Scouting/Angola

“Kamba do Peito”, or “Friends of the Heart,” is a sexual and reproductive health education programme by Associação de Escuteiros de Angola seeking to eliminate the transmission of HIV/AIDS and other STIs, improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy...

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Ticket to Life at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi
World Scout Bureau Inc. / World Scouting

Ticket to Life initiative enables integration of vulnerable children and youth living in developing countries into society. It provides Scouting activities adapted to their needs to build knowledge and skills, which improves their quality of life...

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Scouts in Ethiopia gather around a table to discuss gender equality
World Scout Bureau

Ethiopia is a country of 109 million people, more than 50% of whom are women and girls. Their developmental outcomes are significantly constrained by unequal gender power relations, and the Scouts have decided to stand in the gap and be counted as...

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