Our partnership and communication intern Sonia Abbondio is about to take off to new adventures. Her time at the WOSM Support Centre, Brussels has been marked by the unique experience of representing the Scout Movement at the AU-EU (African Union...

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Imagine finding yourself in a completely war-torn town, seeing the fulfilment of your most basic needs swiftly diminish, leaving you between a rock and a hard place: staying with no guarantee of survival or risking your life to be on the mercy of...

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She comfortably reclined in her chair and put on a big smile. She seemed to know very well what a positive reaction a big smile can produce in others. What better way to begin an interview than in a cheerful mood. My interviewee has worn many hats...

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Join the 16th Asia-Pacific Region Scout Photo Contest with this year’s theme Rover Scouting, a pursuit for life in celebration of the Rover Centenary. We look forward to receiving entries capturing shared experiences in Rovering. For complete details...

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This is one of the themes of the refresher course now happening at Bangladesh Scouts. Over 40 participants in Bangladesh and Nepal are taking part in a 7-day program using the framework of World Adult Resources Handbook. Course leader Md. Kalam Azad...

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On the 10th of January 2018, the World Scout Bureau Africa Support Centre handed over a classroom, 10 desks and over 50 text books to Jans Amboseli Academy, a small Maasai community school in Loitokitok, Kenya. This was in fulfillment of a commitment...

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"Youth Involvement is a capacity-building process, based on enabling young people to actively share responsibility with adults for making decisions that affect their lives, and the lives of others in their community” – World Youth Involvement Policy...

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Do you want to celebrate with us the Rover Centenary? Do you want to experience the magic of Permanent Mini Jamboree with Rovers from all around the world? And do you want to make friends that will last a lifetime, have fun in an incredible Alpine...

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Scouting empowers young people with life skills, and in the case of Will Tankersley from the USA – life-saving skills. The incident happened a mall in Statesboro, Georgia, when Will and his family were out on a day of shopping. Everything was going...

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This year 2018 began with the One World Scout Bureau meeting, taking place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia that gathered around 90 professionals from all support centres around the world. Discussions touched upon our core values, working methods, our...

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