February 20, 2010, a violent storm hit Madeira, which is the main island of a Portuguese archipelago in the Atlantic ocean of the north west coast of Africa. The storms with winds of over 60mph and heavy rains caused massive landslides and heavy...

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March 20 – 21, A Global Development Village (GDV) kick-off meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden. Participants included members from the World Scout Jamboree planning teams, World Scout Bureau staff, Volunteers and consultants. During the 2 days that...

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The second series of Regional Communication Forums were presented to members of the World Scout Committee who were meeting in Kandersteg (Switzerland) last Sunday. This support program to National Scout Organizations wishing to implement...

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Four months after the earthquake, here is some news from our Haitian friends. For the past few weeks they have been working on defining their actions in the context of their country's reconstruction phase. In partnership with the State, local and...

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World Day Against Child Labour 12 June 2010 Theme: Go for the goal: End child labour Celebrated on 12 June each year, the World Day Against Child Labour 2010 comes just one month after a major Global Conference on Child Labour in the Netherlands, the...

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A team from Bookbridge met with Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, on 23rd April 2010 in Berlin as part of the social project competition called “startsocial,” a yearly competition hosted by McKinsey and the Chancellor‘s office. For the huge...

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The Executive Directors' Team of the World Scout Bureau (WSB) comprises the Secretary General Luc Panissod and the 8 Executive Directors in the various WSB Offices around the world, including the six Regional Directors. The Team meets every six...

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Kandersteg International Scout Centre's first contest for creativity in Scouting! Starting date: 1st May 2010 Closing date: 31st December 2010 As a Centre of World Scouting, we believe that we are in a unique position to share, fulfil the values and...

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pokes people for the movement and equip them with tools so that they may be better able to represent the movement. All this with the greater goal of building NSO's capacity in “telling the story” of the movement. The Interamerican Regional...

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30 participants from 19 countries arrived in Kandersteg International Scout Centre for the second SCENES (Scout Centres for Excellence in Nature and the Environment) seminar. Participants arrived from Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech...

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