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Ten young leaders from different National Scout Organizations in the Asia-Pacific Region are eyeing to be part of the region's Young Adult Members Group (YAMG) for the term 2012-2015. Nominations came from Bangladesh, Scouts of China, Hong Kong...

3 minutes

Macau, 7 September 2012 – One of the main priorities for the current triennium in the Asia-Pacific Region is membership growth and some serious work had been carried out in the past three years. This review workshop, following the first workshop in...

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The Council of South Pacific Scouts Association (CSPSA) held its 7th Forum at a very impressive plenary hall of the South Pacific Commission Secretariat in Noumea. The Scouts and Guides New Caledonia hosted the forum on 16 July 2012. Twenty two...

6 minutes

The series of Committee NSO visits (CNV) to 26 National Scout Organizations in the Asia-Pacific Region that started in 2008 concludes its full round with the Kiribati Scout Association (KSA). The visit begins today in Tarawa, the capital. Over 25...

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The Scout Center “Krasnokamenka” located in Crimea, Ukraine hosted an educational seminar on “Successful Planning” taking place from 7th till 10th of June, 2012. As a follow-up to the Eurasia Regional Strategic and Action plan elaborated for the...

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We are pleased to inform you that all Regional Offices are operational to support NSOs in applying for a grant through the Messengers of Peace (MoP) Support Fund. Forms and Guidelines are available in the 5 official languages on

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After the Regional Scout Committee meeting in Dhaka, a regional team led by the Regional Scout Committee member Mr. Fazlur Rahman with Regional Director Mr Abdullah Rasheed went to Nepal from 23-27 April, as part of consultancy visit to National...

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East Timor President José Ramos-Horta was invested as the Patron of Uniao Nacional dos Escuteiros de Timor-Leste (UNE-TL) on 12th January 2012 at the President Palacio in Nicolau Lobato, Timor Leste. Ramos-Horta is the second President of East Timor...

5 minutes

The Asia Pacific Regional Scout Committee met on 21-22 April 2012 in Dhaka, Bangladesh and finalized matters related to the forthcoming Regional Scout Conference to be held in Dhaka in November 2012. After the Chairman of the Host Organizing...

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True to its commitment to safe Scouting, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines organized its 1st Risk and Safety Management Workshop in Davao City, Philippines from 21st to 24th February 2012, participated by 120 Scout Leaders from different parts of the...

3 minutes

The first national workshop on Building Financial Management organized by Bangladesh Scouts gathered 48 participants from different districts across the country from 3rd to 5th February 2012. The main goal of the workshop was to equip leaders with...

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An update on progress made and challenges encountered by the Working Groups and Core Groups and a review of the budgetary process were major points on the agenda of the recent meeting of the European Regional Scout Committee at Gilwell Park, the...

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Committed to reinforce the role of leader trainers and provide them with the latest training techniques, Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia (GPI) is co-hosting the Course for the Leader Trainers (CLT) from 24 to 30 November 2011 along with the Asia-Pacific...

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On November, 1st, 2011, during its plenary session the Parliament of Ukraine (Verkhovna Rada) adopted the Resolution “About the Celebration of 100th Anniversary of Ukrainian Scout Movement”, initialized by National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine...

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Regional Training Course “Excelscout 2011 – RELOAD” was conducted October 11-16, 2011 at the Eurasia Regional Scout center Krasnokamenka, Ukraine. 24 rovers from 8 NSOs of the Eurasia Region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova...

4 minutes