The BIGGEST Scout Event Ever

This weekend JOTA-JOTI broke a number of Scouting records, becoming the biggest Scouting event by participant numbers that the world has ever seen.
JOTA-JOTI had over 11,000 groups registered, some of these with over 500 participants! The final numbers are not in yet, but it is estimated that around 1 MILLION Scouts and leaders from around the world engaged online and by radio.
This incredible result was achieved through amazing work from a team of volunteers, as well as the time and energy of every individual Scout who participated. A big BRAVO to you all!
New initiatives were also launched during JOTA-JOTI weekend, amongst which were the first ever Crowdcast Campfires, where expert speakers from around the world were broadcast across the web to viewers in every Scout Region. The Campfires were on topics that have been highlighted over the past year under the Reaching Out to All work stream which focuses on increasing the diversity of Scouting, and included:
Young People with Disabilities
Diversity and Inclusion in the Interamerica Region
Measuring Social Impact
Young People in Poverty and Disability
The Africa Region also hosted local Scouts, Rovers and Leaders at their headquarters where they ran a Radio Station and a hub of JOTI computers. Similarly, the European Region hosted their own JOTA station which was visited by various groups throughout the weekend.
Well done to all the participants for the fantastic connections that were made, and to the organisers for their efforts behind the scenes.
A full report will be published on the JOTA-JOTI website once all of the information has been gathered, in the mean time you can see some of the wonderful photographs from around the world on our Facebook album.