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Young people sit at the Flemish Parliament.
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Scouts of Gerakan Pramuka (GP) were mobilised when a series of powerful quakes struck the Indonesian island of West Java since 2nd September, claiming 70 lives and injuring hundreds of others. The epicenter of the earthquake was offshore, some 142...

2 minutes

A total of 45 participants from 10 National Scout Organizations (NSOs) in the Asia-Pacific Region and from the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) participated in the first International Seminar on Intellectual Property at the...

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The General Association of the Scouts of China has mobilized Scouts all over the country to join the natonwide relief work after the deadly typhoon Morakot struck the Hsiao-lin village in the mountains of southern Taiwan early morning of 9th August...

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Indonesian President H.E. Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono met with Scouts on 14th August 2009 at the Cibubur camping ground, east of Jakarta, to celebrate the National Scouts Day. In his speech, the President instructed every minister, governor and other...

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As the city of Davao in the southern part of the Philippines celebrate the Kadayawan Festival -- an annual festival celebrating the gifts of nature and the wealth of culture - Scouts here marked the globally renowned festival with different Scouting...

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The Scout Association of Hong Kong (SAHK) and the Youth Federation of Sichuan signed two agreements on 27th July 2009, related to assistance for the reconstruction of two youth facilities in the cities of Mianyang and Deyang and multi-year support...

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Bhutan Scouts Association mourned with the rest of Bhutanese after seven young boys aged 10 to 14 years of age, including three Scouts, died when a gush of water of Wangchu river washed them away on 26th July 2009. Scouts numbering to 198 and 4 Unit...

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After a thorough screening on nine nominations received for the 4th APR Award for Outstanding Scouts, five names were selected for the final round of interview to be held at the beginning of the 23rd Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Conference come...

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The Vice President of the Government of Maldives Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has called upon Scouts to be active and to be more aware of global danger of climate change, environment and drug abuse as challenges for today’s youth. He made the...

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The Jamboree Organizing Committee (JOC) of the 26th APR Scout Jamboree held its fourth preparatory meeting from 28th to 29th July 2009 at Mt. Makiling, in Los Baños, Laguna. Mt. Makiling is the site of the regional jamboree come December this year...

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To strengthen the bond between former Scouts and Guides, the Malaysia (Fellowship of Former Scouts and Guides) FOFSAG, organized the International Scouts and Guides Fellowship (ISGF) Asia-Pacific Regional Gathering on 17h to 20th July 2009 in Pahang...

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More than 1,000 Scouts from 24 provinces in Indonesia participated in the cultural camp organized by Gerakan Pramuka (GP) national headquarters with the Indonesian Culture and Tourism Department from 21st to 25th June 2009 at the Pancer Door, a beach...

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Scouts Australia officially launched one of its most remote Scout Groups in a simple ceremony on 8th May 2009 in the Kimberley region of western Australia. The Djarindjin/Lombadina Sea Scout Group is the most recent successful project under the...

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Since its admission to the World Scouting last year, the National Association of Cambodian Scouts (NACS) continues to make a steady progress, credited to having a balance national team of volunteers, leaders and young adults who share commitment of...

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Amidst the beautiful display of fireworks and aboriginal dance, Scouts of China's Cub Scouts choir inaugurated the first World Jamboree for Ethnic Chinese Scouts on 4th July 2009 at the scenic Wusanto Reservior in Tainan City, south of Taiwan...

3 minutes
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