Eurasia News

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Anna, a Ukrainian Scout leader, prepares a game to introduce them to Scouting concepts and values.
6 minutes
Scouts of Ukraine scarf.
©Egor Andronov Scouts of Ukraine
3 minutes
MoP Heroes 2022
4 minutes

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Walter Greenberg was just a boy when he arrived in America in August 1944. Part of a group of 982 refugees brought to the US to escape the war in Europe, Greenberg and his family found safety on the shores of Lake Ontario in a place called Oswego...

11 minutes

For four years Majd Elewi was a member of the Scouts in his hometown of Homs. Their Scout hut was like a second home; a place to hang out at the weekend, the walls decorated with the group’s collection of scarves and photos of their adventures. But...

8 minutes

Dear Scouts around the world, We are pleased to share with you the first edition of the newsletter of the 17th Africa Scout Conference & 8th Africa Scout Youth Forum, christened "HUNGWE". The “Hungwe” (African sh eagle in Shona language) is a large...

2 minutes

The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) has launched a new platform to structure and streamline the support available to its 169 National Scout Organizations (NSOs), to improve their capacity to deliver a better Scouting experience to...

2 minutes

Most people spend their summer holidays lounging on the beach. Rob McArthur and Poldy van Lynden will spend theirs running, swimming, cycling and rowing nearly 5,000 kilometres from the heart of London to the edge of Arctic to raise money for UK...

8 minutes

Scouts in Guatemala have been hard at work helping people who fled their homes on the slopes of Mount Fuego after the volcano erupted for the first time in more than 40 years, sending a scalding mixture of gas and volcanic rocks hurtling through...

6 minutes

Located in a small valley in the Swiss Alps, altitude of 1 200 meters and only 65 kilometers south of Berne, is the Kandersteg International Scout Center (Kisc), also known as the permanent Mini- Jamboree. For a while Baden Powell dreamed of a place...

5 minutes

In the middle of April, the snow still covers the highest peaks of the mountains surrounding Kandersteg and apart from the lowing of cattle and the occasional tractor, the Swiss village seems almost deserted. But at the Kandersteg International Scout...

9 minutes

Reconnecting to earth. Slowing down and fully taking in the moment. As Scouts we aim to be aware of our surroundings and of the magic that we find within it. But also, we are simply normal people who get caught up with daily tasks, fall into our...

4 minutes

Since it was launched in the Africa Scout Region, a total of 26 NSOs have interacted with the Global Support Assessment Tool (GSAT) standard in one or more of its three different versions; GSAT Self-Assessment, WOSM Global Support Assessment and GSAT...

10 minutes

Growing up was not always easy for Hedvig Mio Ahlström as the young Swede struggled with society’s views on sexuality and gender. But there was always one place that felt safe: the local Scout group. It was there that Ahlström, now 22 and a Rover...

9 minutes

On Singapore’s north western coast, overlooking the limpid waters of the Straits of Johor, Sarimbun has been the location for the city-state’s main Scout camp for 50 years. Sarimbun has hosted some of the Singapore Scout Association’s most important...

8 minutes

A BackStage Story by the Scout Donation Platform Safidy is a young man tackling one of Madagascar’s biggest taboos – menstrual hygiene. It hasn’t been easy for him to talk about the subject openly, especially as the young Scout is breaking a taboo by...

10 minutes

In the month of April 2018, the Africa Scout Foundation welcomed new members to its ranks. A host of other existing members upgraded their membership status. A total of 15 individual donors and 4 Scout Organizations were recognized, at a reception...

4 minutes

This month, three Scouts, battling wind and snow, reached the summit of Mount Everest to fly the flags of Scouting from the top of the world’s highest mountain. Having completed the ascent from Everest’s south side two years ago, becoming the first...

9 minutes
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