No Poverty

16 October 2020, World Food Day: On 16 October every year the world marks the World Food Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness on the issues behind poverty and food security such as; hunger, obesity, environmental degradation, loss of agro...

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The Scouts of Bolivia and the DPSG (German Scouts of San Jorge) have a long relationship of collaboration and international friendship that dates back to 1964, over the years they have developed several projects of cultural exchange and social...

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Wanting to help their community during the COVID-19 pandemic, 250 Scouts and their families cooperated with foodbanks in all the regions of Andalucía, Spain. They managed to collect and distribute more than 7100 kg of food, had invaluable...

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When COVID-19 hit Nepal, the government imposed a lock down. One community in Damak City at Jhapa district has been severely affected where hunger is a daily struggle. This community has 15-20 families where most men work as construction workers in a...

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The Scouts and Guides of Yemen facilitated the delivery of food assistance to displaced people sheltered in 80 centers while educating them on the precautionary measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The Scouts worked in cooperation with...

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The Sustainable Development Goals could be sometimes perceived as an out-of-touch topic for young people. That is why It is crucial to constantly establish a meaningful link between these global goals and the reality of local communities. Youth...

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A group of Scouts and leaders took extra miles to serve their community, largely in the slum areas, during this unusual times. They undertook activities to help the most vulnerable and worst-affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Since April, Scouts...

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A Scout group from Pathfinder Scouts Vietnam conducted a tree planting activity for some rural households in Quang Nam and Lam Dong provinces, two mountainous areas in the country late in September 2019. A total of 68 Scouts and non-Scouts...

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Scouting in Africa has launched of a regional campaign named Africa SDGs Oven that will be a catalyst of commitment and action for the Scouts to implement and adopt SDGs in their day to day activities. The Africa SDGs Oven campaign starts on 9 th...

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Today, World Scouting unveiled the Discovering the SDGs Action Kit, the latest in a series of tools and resources that are being developed to engage over 50 million Scouts in making the world’s largest coordinated youth contribution to the...

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