Introduction The WAGGGS WOSM Consultative Committee (WWCC) met on 1 September 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland. Representing WAGGGS were Ana Maria Mideros, Chair, World Board; Connie Matsui, Vice-Chair, World Board and Sarah Nancollas, Chief Executive...

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In recognition of their outstanding contributions in making positive changes in communities and in the lives of other people, we are pleased to announce this year’s recipients of the Asia-Pacific Messengers of Peace Heroes Award 2018. Nawang Gyaltsen...

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After most of them being taken through the Dialogue for Peace training, International Leadership training & Young Correspondents and Spokespersons Training, participants at the 8th Africa Scout Youth Forum were quite ready to begin the fruitful...

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World Scouting has deepened its commitment to the UN’s flagship gender equality campaign with the release of the HeForShe action kit to help Scouts across the world become advocates for gender equality and commit to HeForShe by 2020. The action kit...

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Harare - Zimbabwe: Over 50 Scouts from 29 countries all over Africa and beyond have converge at the ZESA national Training Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe for the 8th Africa Scout Youth Forum that will be run from 4th – 6th September 2018. The event is...

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Maryem Salama, 17, grew up in what she describes as a conservative Tunisian family. She wasn’t allowed to go out by herself or get involved in sports. But a year ago, she joined the Scouts and now she’s camping with friends and enjoying the outdoors...

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The World Scout Bureau Africa support Centre conducted a one-day workshop for Scouts drawn from 20 countries to enable them acquire knowledge and skill to accurately, effectively and consistently represent Scouting – under the Young Correspondents...

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With the closing of the International Leadership Training in Harare, Zimbabwe, Scouting in Africa marked milestone in its efforts to empower young people with the necessary skills they needed to become the leaders of change. This is part of the...

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The participants of the Regional Dialogue for Peace ToT Training which was concluded successfully in Harare, Zimbabwe were put in touch with the reality of what is clearly their much-needed actions in the world. Through the training, they sharpened...

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Since 95 years Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC) welcomes thousands of Scouts at the Permanent Mini Jamboree to enable Scouts to spend an adventure of their lifetime at their international home of Scouting in the heart of the Swiss Alps...

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