Over the last weekend in March 2014, some fifty Scout and Guide Leaders from nine different National Scout Organisations of WOSM and Member Organisations of WAGGGS came together in Milan in northern Italy at the Spring meeting of the "Lisbon Group"...
The first day of April 2014 turned out to be a day of mourning as World Scouting lost one of its great leaders. Dr Azrul Azwar, member of Regional Scout Committee (2009-2012; 2012-2015) and former Chief Commisioner/ Chairman of Gerakan Pramuka...
During March 22 - 24, near the city of Ibagué (Colombia), was held the 51st National Assembly of the Scouts of Colombia Association. All Scout Regions were present, as well as other guests, among them the World Scout Bureau – Interamerican Region...
Since 30 March 2014 and throughout a full year, Luxembourgers and their guests from abroad can trace back the first one hundred years of Scouting in Luxembourg in general and of Fédération Nationale des Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses du Luxembourg FNEL in...
On March 29, 2014 in the capital of Kazakhstan signed a memorandum of cooperation between Organisation of Scout Movement of Kazakhstan and Scout Organization of Malaysia whose leaders have participated in the international conference «The Scout...
At the Cabinet sitting of March 27, the Government made a decision on granting permanently and free of charge 3 hektares of land in Yerevan to the National Scout Movement of Armenia “HASK”. “We should express that we are pleased with this...
SOUTH SUDAN – Amid the violence in South Sudan, Scouts in the country are giving hope to the war ravaged citizens of their country despite the risks involved. The humanitarian crisis is beyond words yet the Scouts choose to spread the Message of...
From last 7 to 9 March, the Colombian Adult Resources Direction, gaathered in Pereira in order to review their national Adults in Scouting policy. This review is a consequence of the changes introduced in both the Adults in Scouting World Policy and...
NAIROBI - On 5th February 2014, His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta appointed former Speaker of the National Assembly and Chief Scout of Kenya Hon. Francis Ole Kaparo and Garissa County Senator Yusuf Haji to mediate between warring communities in...
A Statement of the European Scout Region on Peace and Reconciliation Creating a better world - Scouts around the world are inspired by these words. Our Movement is a global movement with a very clear vision and mission. As active citizens we do not...