The contest to design the logo for JOTA-JOTI 2014 will be launched tomorrow (23 April 2014). Entries will be able to be submitted via this website and via

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Castle Saunderson is an international Scout centre located on the border of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It opened in August 2012 and serves as a peace centre seeking to promote peace and bridge differences between individuals, groups and...

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L-iScout Association ta' Malta ( The Scout Association of Malta) ser torganniza l-ewwel National ‪Scout Youth Forum aktar tard dan ix-xahar għall-membri tagħha li għandhom bejn l-14 sa 26 sena. Fost il-preparamenti għal dan l-avveniment membri marru...

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What is diversity? What is the European Scout Region doing? How? Challenges? What’s next? During the Training of Trainers on Diversity and Inclusion, held in Brussels at the end of March, the volunteers of the European Scout Region have produced a...

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Group Leaders from Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen, one of the National Scout Associations in ‪‎Belgium‬, will gather on 27 April 2014 in ‪Ghent‬, Beligum, for ‪‎ ScoutingDNA‬, their next Group Leaders Congress. Discussing the direction in which their...

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Following a long-time partnership, this year the World Organization of the Scout Movement and Earth Hour joined forces to promote and advocate a more sustainable planet. Andy Ridley, the CEO and Co-Founder of Earth Hour, who is also a former Scout...

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Some time ago I had written on this subject. Back then I did so for Scout Magazine “Youth Forum” of the Scout Association of Mexico, AC. Now I would like to share with you this reflection using new words, as I don´t remember what I used on that...

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Some time ago I had written on this subject. Back then I did so for Scout Magazine “Youth Forum” of the Scout Association of Mexico, AC. Now I would like to share with you this reflection using new words, as I don´t remember what I used on that...

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Since the emergence of Pakistan and India as independent states in 1947, there have been several wars and border disputes between the two states. These circumstances have fueled animosity and negative stereotypes between the countries and their...

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The Course for Assistant Leader Trainers (CALT) recently held in Johor Bahru, Malaysia considered to be historical as Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia (PPM) opened the course to Scout states and received an encouraging response. Out of 17, 15 Scout...

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