Rovers from Bangladesh Scouts and CJK – which stands for Scouts of China, Japan and Korea, reached out to communities in Jamalpur district, Bangladesh in mid February 2014. They did awareness campaigns on primary health care, sanitation and garbage...

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In many parts of Europe it is carnival season, so in Gloggnitz in Austria, where members of the local Scout Group (member of Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs) decided to dress up like the "Four Daltons" for their town's carnival parade...

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Dear Friends and Brother/Sister Scouts: We have received questions from Regional Committee members and NSO representatives regarding WOSM’s position in the context of the developments in Ukraine. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who are...

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Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Cancer is not just one disease but many...

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The official World Scout Education Congress Report is now available! The Report includes background about the event, the Congress itself, the outcomes and conclusions as well as the steps forward. The aim of the Congress was simple but ambitious: to...

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The World Organization of the Scout Movement is happy to announce that the “Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco” is a full member of WOSM since 16 February 2014, after being an Accredited National Scout Organization since 1990. The...

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An “A” rank school-jamboree got started on February 21 in Tsakhkadzor, Armenia. Gevorg Gasparyan, Chief scout of the National Scout Movement of Armenia, had a short speech during the opening ceremony and emphasized that our organization’s aim is to...

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A master of Scouting skills from his youth, William (Bill) Hillcourt (1900-1992) spent a lifetime teaching them to others around the globe, earning him the title “Scoutmaster to the World”. Originally from Denmark, Bill moved to the United States of...

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Today is Founders Day. This is the day of the year when 40 million Scouts from around the world will come together in their Scout Patrols, Groups, Troops and other gatherings to renew their Scout Promise. I too will do the same with Scouts from...

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This is our first issue of 2014. We have renewed energy and we have to make this a successful year with pleasant experiences. We hope you join us in this journey. We will share with you the best stories and experiences of our Interamerican Scout...

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