Devastating floods inundated parts of Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands throughout the first half of July 2021. As the affected communities start to pick up the pieces, Scouts rush to provide relief aid, while showing an outstanding...
The first-ever Africa Rover Moot event for young adults will be held from 15 th to 25 th April 2023 at the Rowallan National Scouts Camp in Nairobi, Kenya. The event is organized by the Africa Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout...
World Scouting today welcomed the Solomon Islands Scout Association (SISA) as its 172nd Member Organization of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).
Millions of Scouts will make a Promise to the Planet over the coming months as part of a global campaign to inspire young people to take action for the environment. #PromiseToThePlanet will encourage young people to carry out hundreds of thousands of...
Dzaleka Refugee Camp, located in Malawi, is home to nearly 50,000 refugees from Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Like many refugee camps, Dzaleka is overpopulated which not only puts a strain on the available...
In Fiji, Scouts distributed food packs to 54 families who were laid off from work or whose working hours were reduced. Despite the heavy rains and poor road conditions, Team Lautoka Scouters Council and Messengers of Peace Team collaborated with...
Scouts in Greece have partnered with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to launch a new program called "Adopt a beach" in order to collect plastic waste from the shores of the country. The cleaning action is part of the citizens science initiative of...
Nature, the environment and spending time outdoors have been foundational in Scouting for over a century. Through Scouting, young people are given unique opportunities to connect with nature and become active citizens in protecting and preserving it...
Elisabete Correia from Corpo Nacional de Escutas in Portugal has been involved in recently resuming in-person Scouting activities, where she shares the experience they have had as local safety regulations have eased across the country: Since the...
More than 60 minutes of recording, 13 episodes and over 20 speakers interviewed. This is impeesa now, a French documentary podcast, exclusively dedicated to tell the story of Scouting, a movement that continues to inspire millions of young people...