In the heart of the 25th World Scout Jamboree, held in South Korea in August 2023, the Ban Ki-moon SDGs Ma-eul stood out as a vibrant and inclusive space where young people from around the world could discover the power of the World Organization of...
In the heart of Hungarian Scouting history lies a tale that echoes through the ages — a story of fellowship, adventure, and the birth of scouting.
In the heart of war-torn Gaza, Palestinian Scouts are braving unimaginable risks to offer hope and vital aid to hundreds of children and families displaced by the ongoing war.
Support Scouts de Mexico after hurricane Otis by channeling resources to Scouts' on-the-ground relief efforts and fostering resilience, solidarity, and hope in the face of overwhelming devastation.
IMPAKTA is an innovative project designed to empower young people and inspire them to address the local challenges they face in their communities.
The International Dialogue Centre – KAICIID and the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) signed on 30 October a new Memorandum of Understanding, setting a clear path to enhanced and expanded future collaboration.
As civilian deaths continue to rise following three weeks of deadly violence, World Scouting joins the international community in calling for an immediate end to this cycle of devastating hostilities.
The largest annual Scout event has just wrapped up a record year for participation! JOTA-JOTI saw a record 600,000 registered participants - which means a 40% increase in registration on our platform compared to last year! This includes 7000+ Scout...
The aim of the Chief Commissioners’ Network and Chief Executives’ Network Meetings is to bring together the top volunteers and top executives in each Member Organization to share experiences, present new and innovative solutions to common challenges...
The European Scout Region of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) invites you to join the Final Dissemination event of the MIYO project, an Erasmus+ funded initiative implemented jointly by WOSM, YMCA and the National University of...