During the Africa Scout Day celebrations on 13th March Scouts in Cote d’Ivoire undertook tree planting with the Cub Scouts. This also marked the official launch of the project "A Tree for Peace" as part of marking the Centenary of Cub Scouting in...
The Alan Sol Foundation has donated 250 000 Rand to SCOUTS South Africa for their continued efforts in contributing to the enhancement and preservation of the environment with its objective being either that of fauna, flora and human beings. “We are...
Since the start of the big wave of the Ebola epidemic in March 2014, the World Health Organisation (WHO) figures showed that there were 22,000 officially recorded cases, with around 8,800 deaths in West Africa. When the Ebola pandemic first broke out...
Chief Commissioner Hussain Abdullah and five national commissioners joined 80 Scouts and 50 volunteers in cleaning up the entire beach area in G.Dh Thinadhoo, south of Maldives. This was the first time that "Founders Day" was celebrated nationally...
The annual raft race held by the Mahurangi Zone of Scouts New Zealand attracted over 32 rafts on 1 March 2015. The annual event was the Founder’s Day activity and this year was held on 1 March due to tide requirements at the Browns Bay beach on the...
Twelve Scout leaders from Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Philippines and Scouts of China, participated in the first ever APR Scout Shop Management: Leaders Meet on 5-8 March 2015 at Yangmingshan Scout Camp, Taipei, Taiwan. Several...
We were glad to have Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, delivered a valuable seminar on nature conservation to members of the Scout Association of Hong Kong during her visit to Hong Kong in November 2014. Dr. Goodall shared with us her road to the success in the...
Dear Friends, It is with sadness that we have learned the death of Dr. Emmanuel Gasakure, a former Chairperson of the Board of Rwanda Scout Association who was also actively involved in Scouting until 2008. He was instrumental in the Association...
It doesn’t take much for you, a Scout leader, to have a profound impact on the life of a young person. Put another way: “The smallest gesture can spark a life.” In the case of Cub Scout leader and Nashville singer-songwriter Dean Madonia, that leader...