Roger M. Schrimp was an admired and respected Scout leader. From a dedicated young Scout, he carried out all his Scouting experience throughout his life and career. He was an outstanding Scout. An Eagle Scout, a member of the Order of the Arrow, as...
The Africa Scout Foundation Report for the three year period from 2012 to 2015. The report has been compiled in both English and French. We welcome all those who wish to join and contribute to the foundation to get in touch with us for more details...
The Africa Scout Foundation was established in 1995 to provide Africa Scout Region with financial support needed for the growth and development of Scouting. Its mission is to promote the growth of Scouting and support more young people in Africa to...
5th December was the International Volunteer Day. In celebrating all the volunteers who support Scouting at different levels we featured several volunteers. Here are the stories of Maina Kiranga, an adult from Kenya and Saloum Diouf, a young person...
On Saturday 30 January 2016, The Scout Association of Nigeria held an extraordinary general meeting at Merit House in the Federal Capital Abuja to address issues the association is currently faced with. Dr. Wayne A. Davis, Chairperson of the Africa...
On Saturday 16 January 2016, the Scouts of Senegal (one of the NSAs that make the Senegalese Scout Confederation) officially opened their renovated centre with the compound of the Cathedral. The two-storey building of a total surface of 216 m2 was...
On Monday, 04 January 2016 the Association of Catholic Scouts of Côte d'Ivoire was among the four organizations that received a 4x4 vehicle from UNICEF. Other beneficiaries were the Ministry of Health and the Fight Against AIDS (National Health...
As part of its strategy towards Youth Involvement in decision-making, the Ghana Scout Association (GSA) in collaboration with the Africa Regional Team organized its maiden National Scout Youth Forum. The objective of this forum is to provide an...
We are happy to share with you the January 2016 issue of Kudumail, the Africa Scout Region newsletter. You can read directly online by clicking Enjoy your reading.