In November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan swept through the villages in Tacloban City and the nearby towns in southern Philippines. Due to the impact of storm surge, the Leyte Council Scout House of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) was completely...
Founder's Day and World Thinking Day greetings from WOSM Secretary General and WAGGGS Chief Executive Officer. "Hi, I’m Anita Tiessen, I’m the Chief Executive of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. My name is Scott Teare, I’m the...
Join the #happybirthdayBP celebration and feature B-P on your Facebook page this Founder’s Day. Select from our Facebook covers, which are available in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish (choose the language of your choice) and download one...
Every two years the informal network of Sea Scout and Sea Guide branches of National Scout Associations (NSAs) and Member Organisation (MOs) of the European Regions of WOSM and WAGGGS organise a European Sea Scout Seminar. Hosted by Związek...
No! There are not just male ICT experts in Scouting and Guiding. And: no! They don't all were squareshaped spectales. Need a proof? Here is the traditional Family Photo taken during the annual meeting of the informal Communication and...
This past weekend, from 12 to 14 February 2016, some 80 participants from a number of German speaking Scout and Guide Associations in the European Regions of the World Organizations of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the World Associations of Girl...
UNICEF is inviting technology start-ups developing solutions with the potential to improve the lives of the world's most vulnerable children to apply for funding from its recently launched Innovation Fund. The purpose of the UNICEF Innovation Fund is...
(Leusden, Scouting Nederland) - The best results in publicity for Scouting are achieved when Scouts tell their friends and peers what Scouting is about. We all know this and statistics seem to proof it. Scouting Nederland, the National Scout...
In Baden-Powell’s last message to Scouters and Guiders, released after his death in 1941, in describing the purpose of Scouting and Guiding he wrote “Its aim is to produce healthy, happy, helpful citizens, of both sexes, to eradicate the prevailing...