" Tahrir Square" and the events which Egypt have witnessed recently were considered an attractive venue and a rich environment for those who work in media & plastic arts to present expressive arts which reflect the different events and activities...

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"Scouting …. a Style for Life" is the slogan raised by the participants in the 30th Arab Scout Jamboree, the 15th International Youth Gathering for Cultural Exchange and the 1st Scout Gathering for Nile Basin Countries. These three major scout events...

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In close cooperation with ARTDO International & ITD Group, the Arab Scout Region organized the Certified Training for Professional (CTP) Course during the period 15- 26/6/ 2012, Cairo International Scout Centre (CISC). The named training course aimed...

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KENYA- 16 Rovers came together to form the Masaku Rover group that is located in Machakos, at the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. With the theme ‘Youth, crime and Drugs’, the rovers in conjunction with volunteers from the Ministry of youth organized a...

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As we celebrate another milestone in the annals of Africa Scouting, I bring you greetings from the Africa Scout Committee. We are proud and very grateful to our past leaders whose hard work, dedication and commitment to Scouting made their efforts...

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As we celebrate this year Founder’s Day, I wish to convey my sincere best wishes to all scouts the world over, with a particular attention to the Africa Scout Region. This year Founder’s Day is being celebrated in a particular context, as we have...

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In the period between 9 and 11 December 2011, in the headquarters of the Moldova Scout in Chisinau took place the first activity in the framework of the project “Messengers of Peace”. The first activity was a theoretical seminar that had the purpose...

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Regional Training Course “Excelscout 2011 – RELOAD” was conducted October 11-16, 2011 at the Eurasia Regional Scout center Krasnokamenka, Ukraine. 24 rovers from 8 NSOs of the Eurasia Region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova...

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In the period between 9 and 11 December 2011, in the headquarters of the Moldova Scout in Chisinau took place the first activity in the framework of the project “Messengers of Peace”. The first activity was a theoretical seminar that had the purpose...

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In its effort to provide an attractive and effective youth programme that appeals to the needs and interest of today’s young people, Brunei Scout Association organized National Youth Development Programme workshop from 3-7 December 2011. The 4-day...

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