In consultation with the Uganda Scouts Association and after careful considerations of the public health concerns associated with the spread of COVID-19 virus, the Africa Scout Committee and the World Scout Bureau Africa Support Centre regrettably...

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Today the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced that the organisation has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the United States. The financial restructuring will enable the BSA to equitably compensate victims of abuse who have been harmed during their...

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We live in a world where having a health problem impedes communication with other people, social interactions are limited, and withdrawal is more often than not, the only option a person with a delicate medical condition can choose. The situation is...

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The movie ”The Stray Eagles” was screened at the European Parliament in January 2020 where Elena Bonetti, the Italian minister for Equal Opportunities and Family, David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament and Nicola Danti, a member of the...

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In the midst of the growing clamour of involving the youth in policymaking and ensure that young people have a stake in the society, the World Organization of the Scout Movement’s (WOSM) Asia-Pacific Region sent Mori Cheng, youth advisor to the World...

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A 6.8 magnitude earthquake shook Eastern Turkey on 24 January, at a depth of 15Km. Soon after the initial quake, the area was struck further by a series aftershock ranging from a magnitude of 5.4 to 3.3. Dozens of buildings collapsed, and hundreds of...

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On a Wednesday afternoon, a r oom is filled with young people having a discussion with members of the European Parliament about youth participation in our society. How did all these people end up in the same room? The answer to this question is a...

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Killers Robots Campaign might seem something brought up in futuristic movies like Terminator, but in fact nowadays is a reality. Not to be afraid but rather is how far technology has brought us. Why is this a problem? And Why there is a need of a...

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Written by Jéssica Constantino and Ivan Brugalli Bags Packed, map on … everything would have been ready for JamCam if it wasn’t for the unexpected resignation of Acacio, who worked on two nursing shifts, to come to JamCam. It was with his and his...

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The Big 6 alliance of Youth Organizations recently released a joint position paper highlighting their collective commitment to advancing youth development through delivering quality non-formal education programmes. The joint position of the Big 6...

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